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    40 Art History: Pop Art Essay

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    Which of the following best describes how pop art is made?
    a. by borrowing mass-produced images
    What emotional tone can be detected in pop art images?

    ironic and cynical

    Who is often considered the founder of the pop art movement?
    d. Richard Hamilton
    What characteristics distinguish Lichtenstein’s work?
    d. all of the above
    (primary colors, benday dots, comic book style)
    What different technique did Warhol use to reproduce the image above?
    c. silkscreen
    What theme did the artist of the above image usually include in his work?

    the food industry

    How was the above image culturally relevant of the pop art style?
    c. heavy pigmentation and well-defined shadows
    Who is the artist of the image above?
    c. Andy Warhol
    What format did Warhol borrow to create the above images of Marilyn Monroe?
    b. diptych format from the icons of Christianity such as those found in the Byzantine church
    According to the lecture, what aspect of American culture inspired the pop art movement?

    The influence of mass production

    Richard Hamilton decided to make art that __________________________,just like car bodies and the latest consumer goods.
    a. symbolized the times by their style
    Andy Warhol’s best works ___________________ behind their mass-produced surfaces.

    conceal important insights

    When was pop art most popular?
    b. between 1955 and 1965
    Who is the artist of the image above?
    (Girl on the Phone)

    b. Roy Lichtenstein

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    40 Art History: Pop Art Essay. (2017, Dec 18). Retrieved from

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