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    What Cheating Means To Me Essay

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    What Cheating Means To Me Essay

    Cheating, the way of the dishonorable student. It is usually defined and interpreted by many people as the way a person procrastinates something until the last minute of the due time. That person usually gets desperate because of the on coming bad mark or just plain out does not like to do his/her own work. So to make up for the time lost during the procrastinating that person goes to a person he/she has convinced to aid them in cheating, either by sweet talking them or plain out of the other person fear of their remarks if they do not cooperate with them, and gets the answers from them. In order to prevent this the teacher usually keeps a close eye on his/her own students.

    Even that way the teacher cannot stop their students from cheating. Some teachers like to make several versions of their work for students to have a hard time cheating. But there is only so much a teacher can do. Students work in almost the same way nature works. Nature, like in the movie Jurassic Park, was being forced to stop from working the way it should. Even when the scientists in the movie made it hard for nature to do its work it still found a way around.

    Well in the same perspective students do the same. They will try and they will prevail in evading the firewalls setup by the teacher to stop them from cheating. It is nearly impossible for the teacher to stop their students from cheating. For the cheating to stop the teacher would have to do one of two things I think are the best for stopping the students from cheating. ONE the teacher would have to teach different things to each and every student in each class. That is impossible for one teacher since he/she may have up to 4 classes packed with students, and that kind of time to teach them all different things is just not easy to come by.

    SECOND the teacher would just not have to care. There are some teachers that just do not care if the students learn or not. They just want their paychecks and to get the students out of the class, especially the ones that cheat and are usually the ones that cause trouble. The school is also happy with them since the class average is very high. That kind of teacher usually gets caught when state tests are given, no regular class tests will not catch them. The teacher can let his/her students cheat on tests to.

    On state tests it is hard to cheat with other teachers around. So in closing I think cheating is wrong but you would be surprised by the lengths that students will go to in order to pass when they REALLY want to. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    What Cheating Means To Me Essay. (2019, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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