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    Western Art Music – Secular music of the middle ages Essay

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    Hundreds of these songs were created and performed and eventually notated by bands of musicians flourishing across Europe during the 12th and 13th centuries, the most famous of which were the French trousers and troubadours. The monophonic melodies of these musicians, to which may have been added improvised accompaniments, were often rhythmically lively. The subject of the overwhelming majority of these songs is love. Most of which are performed by wandering minstrels.

    Instruments most probably used in secular music during the middle ages may include drums, harps, recorders, and bagpipes were the instruments used in secular music because they were easy for the traveling musicians to tote about. Instruments were taught through oral tradition and provided great dancing music and accompanied the stanzas well. There are many composers which composed secular music. These composers were known as Troubadours and trousers. They are French nobles. Among the best known of these poet-musicians are were the troubadour Gallinule ‘X, duke of Aquatint, from southern France.

    As well as trouper, Chasteness De Couch, from rather France. Not all were men, Beatrice De Did was a troubadour who addressed songs to men. Western Art Music – Secular music of the middle ages By Tom-Torn 1300 and Died in 1377, he was famous as a musician as well as a poet, An avian garden or Vanguard which means someone who leads to make a development of new ideas. Composer, poet and most known representative of the Ears Nova tradition. He was respected, not only in his native country, but also in Italy, Spain and other parts of Europe. Born in the French province of Champagne.

    Around 1323, he became secretary and chaplain to John, King of Bohemia, whom he accompanied on trips and military campaigns throughout Europe. Spent most of his years in in Reams, where he served as a church official. Gallinule also wrote sacred and secular polyphonic music. He traveled to many courts and presented copies of his music and poetry to noble patrons. These copies made Gallinule one of the first important composers whose works have survived. Among his works are 42 ballads 23 motets; most known of which is “Messes De Monster Dame”.

    Another composer is John Denotable born in England around 1385 died on December 24, 1453 in London He was also known as John Denotable; one of the leading English composers of his time. His works influenced other composers including Gallinule Duffy and Gilles Ponchos. Aside from being a composer, he was also an astronomer and mathematician. He wrote sacred pieces, secular songs and motets. Some of his known works are: 2 complete masses, 3 incomplete masses, and 14 individual mass sections. Geoffrey Chaucer There are many secular compositions during the Middle ages, some of them are

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    Western Art Music – Secular music of the middle ages Essay. (2017, Dec 11). Retrieved from

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