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    Ways To Lead Healthy Lifestyle Essay

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    One way to lead a healthy lifestyle is by doing exercise regularly. When do an exercise, our body will be fresh. The example of exercise that we can do is by jogging. To get a healthy lifestyle, we need to jog at lease thirty to sixty minutes every three times a week (Miksak, 2008). Jogging can increase our metabolism and burns some calories, so that loss weight can be attainable. Beside that, by trying to jog each day, speed walking the next, or hitting up at the local gym and see what fun classes are offered, perhaps a comforting yoga class or an intense cycle class can also increase our metabolism and burns some calories (Miksak, 2008).

    Other than that, by leading a good stamina it can develop our capability to work throughout the day and the same can help to lead an eneretic life. Besides jogging, we can swim at lake, sea, river or pool as the cause of water is the same. Beside that, swimming is suitable for everyone especially who are obese, pregnent, and people with leg or lower back problems. Another ways, we also must taking a good eating habit in our daily life such as taking a balance diet and drinking water at least eight glass per days. By taking a balanced diet, we can decrease some of risk of our health like heart attack and stroke (Miksak, 2008). The example of healthy balanced diet are consisted of food high in lean protein, like fish, chicken, eggs beans and dairy products.

    Fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and mineral such as calcium, iron, and potassium are also significant to our balanced diet (Miksak, 2008). According to Miksak (2008), Avacados are also good for our skin and hair. Other than that, by eating extra virgin omega 3 fatty can also produce a healthy fats which is can foundd in fish like salmon. Futhermore, by drinking more water, it can reduce toxin and excess bloating (Homan, 2010). Besides that, water will make our body always hydrate to work more effectively (Homan, 2010).

    By drinking water regularly, nutrients and oxygen can be transfer into cells and can regulate our body temperature. The other way to lead us to a healthy lifestyle is by getting enough sleep. According to Miksak (2008), as normal human beings, we must sleep at least eight hours per day. Sleeping is one of the important aspects to lead us to get a healthy lifestyle (Miksak, 2008).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Ways To Lead Healthy Lifestyle Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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