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    Vox Populi – Media and Popular Culture Essay

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    An ever-changing phenomenon, reflecting what shapes the very community we live in, popular culture is what has (and will forever continue) to define every generation of society. Mullets, tie-dye, disco, go-go boots, rap, plaid, the Beatles, Britney Spears, “nerd  glasses “ just a few societal trends that have come and gone throughout the years. Some stuff stuck, and some, well, no one wants to remember anymore. ARTThe Egyptians were one of the first civilizations to portray human beings as a stone-idealized form of art.

    Although for more spiritual purposes, they created the basis for art to exist as a vital part of culture, as a major form of expression. Today, art is seen in numerous, varied types “ traditional paintings, sculptures, installations, graffiti, and even the unconventional, tattooing, which fascinates me most. The creation of art on our mortal vessels amazes me. Enduring the pricking and poking to make yourself a canvas.

    Art has played the most pivotal role in my life. Growing up, I somehow always managed to surround myself with art. A print of Salvadore Dali’s (my favourite artist) Les Elephants brought about my interest in art. It has been hanging in my room from the before I was born.

    Only 3 years old, I kept copying the piece, trying to make it’s replica (in vain, till date). Although art is still very much an underrated, not as mainstream form and part of culture, different types of it, like Anime, Manga, comic books are pretty popular between the masses. Till date, we cannot decide whether the purpose of art is to glorify humans or make him insignificant, but all we can do is enjoy and appreciate the exasperatingly carrying forms of it!MUSICMusic and culture have a correlation like no other. Music is a distinct, diverse subculture within a culture. Each musical era is extremely different and offers its own uniqueness in traits and values.

    Be it rap, or electronic music, music expresses both the time and a personal, intimate view into a person’s personality. The best part about today’s society when it comes to music is that you can find every type of music being listened to by different people. Some prefer classical, some jazz, etc. Me, however, I’ve been brought up listening to the likes of Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Guns ˜n’ Roses, Queen, and many more of the classic rock bands there were. My father had an insurmountable music collection, complete with vinyls of all the possible rock bands you can think of. It stuck with me, and is something I’m defined by and proud of.

    MEDIAMass media and popular culture go hand in hand. The population is bombarded with popular culture by television, radio, advertisement, internet and every other imaginable form to help us determine our views of society. Personally, social media has never interested me much. The incredibly popular Facbook and Twitter, was fun for a while initially, but then got absolutely monotonous for me to keep such a close tab on them.

    Albeit I spend a lot of time on the internet, but it in no way controls me, like it does to so many others. I honestly think I’m one of the few people who still listen to the radio. It really is such an impressive feat to be able to hold the attention of people solely with the sound of your voice! Media today, including television and the internet especially, holds utmost power of influence. CULTUREOur popular culture is vox populi, fickle and consistent with change.

    The ideas never seem to die out. Sometimes for the better, but sometimes for a stupid excuse to say “YOLO

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Vox Populi – Media and Popular Culture Essay. (2018, Jul 21). Retrieved from

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