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    rennissance chapter 29 and 30

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    wrote The Divine Comedy
    painted the Adoration of the Magi
    designed florence’s famous dome
    wrote The Prince
    made map’s from a bird’s eye view
    discovered Jupiter’s moons
    invented the printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg
    Advances in Architecture and Engineering-
    most impressive architectural feats of Renaissance
    Dumo di Santa Maria
    Advances in Architecture and Engineering-
    types of arches Brunelleschi used on dome and what he invented to raise food and materials to workers
    stone and hoists
    Advances in Painting-
    4 ways they advanced
    lifelike, emotions, realistic backgrounds(depth), 3-D
    Advances in Sculpture-
    humanist interest in realism =
    created figures that look real with emotion, first free standing statues
    Advances in Sculpture-
    who originally created “David”, a young warrior in bible story who was the first life size nude statue since classical times
    Advances in Sculpture-
    who did Donatello influence to make their own “David”
    Advances in Literature-
    writing started to more individual like humanist art, what writing piece was a model of this and influenced writers
    The Divine Comedy
    Advances in Literature-
    how did Petarch and Boccacio cause the words to touch more to people
    used local dialect
    Advances in science and math-
    2 advances in studying anatomy
    human eye, circulation in the blood
    Advances in science and math-
    2 space discoveries
    first telescope, the moon’s effect on tides
    Florentine Politics and Trade-
    family that ruled for 3 centuries
    Florentine Politics and Trade-
    trade and commerce=
    cultural center
    Florentine Politics and Trade-
    money shift=
    thriving bank industry
    Florentine Politics and Trade-
    largest financial market place in Europe
    Mercato Nuovo
    Italian painter- freestyle painting, known as the “painter’s painter” for his influence, official painter of Venice
    German artist-engraving and woodcuts,famous “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”,study of new proportions
    Polish scientist-father of modern astronomy, proposed that earth and planets revolve around sun
    Belgian Scientist-discovered human heart has four chambers, wrote “On the Structure of the Human Body”
    Queen of Spain-forceful and powerful,supported exploration ex. Columbus, united Spain as a Catholic country
    Queen of England-strong minded, gifted student,encouraged exploration and trade, defeated the Spanish Armada
    English poet and playwright-actor,poet, famous playwright,wrote “Hamlet” and “Romeo and Juliet”,left lasting mark on the English language
    Spanish writer-writer of “Don Quixote”
    Italian Renaissance person-accomplished painter,sculptor, architect,engineer, inventor,painted “Mona Lisa”,designed maps, bridges, and weapons
    Da Vinci
    Renaissance dinner party- Isabella and Elizabeth
    both queens
    Renaissance dinner party-Shakesphere and Cervantes
    Renaissance dinner party-Vesalius, Copernicus, Durer
    wrote books(anatomy,science,art)
    Renaissance dinner party-Da Vinci,Michelangelo,Titian
    location:city-state,center of trade and commerce, cloth trading,dominate by single family, major industry=banking
    made florence special
    the rich residents in the city could afford to be patrons of talented artists
    wealth lead to flowering of culture
    creativity, competition,influence from travelers,new ideas+goods, humanist freedom of ideas
    florence inspiring others
    what word does not belong?patronage,city-states,humanism,feudalism
    feudalism,others create the Renaissance
    where did Florentines get their building designs
    from their study of Greek and Roman ruins
    what did renaissance scientists base their work on
    what word doesn’t belong-Michelangelo,Machiavelli,Brunelleschi,Boccaccio
    Boccaccio, others renaissance artists
    Machiavelli wrote in The Prince,’the end justifies the means”, he meant that
    anything you need to do o achieve your goal s legitimate
    who invented the printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg
    a result of the printing press
    more people learned to read
    according to machiavelli, the first concern of a prince should be
    preparing for war
    what did Elizabeth and Isabella have in common
    supported exploration
    besides painting what art medium was Durer also well skilled

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    rennissance chapter 29 and 30. (2017, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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