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    Renaissance Men costume

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    visible , gathered at neck and sleeve, cotton and linen
    short jacket, wide at shoulders detachable sleeves may be padded in front peascod belly
    laces that hold garments together
    simarre / chamarre
    large coat, wide collar (usually fur or velvet
    pumpkin / melon breeches – short puffed pants;; canions/upper stocks/ trunk hose-tight short pants venetians -wide at the top tapering to the knee. Breeches always worn with a cod piece
    hose / nether stocks
    tights /stockings
    penis sheath stuffed and padded to project beyond normal proportion
    male skirt
    decorative cuts in garments -shoes-hats:: armor to look like sword cuts;; swiss+ german origin
    light weight , colorful , fabric poked through slashed to create small puffs
    stuffing used to pad breeches , doublet cod piece
    bear paw ,duck bill square toed shoes
    barrette / beret
    Flat squarish hat

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    Renaissance Men costume. (2017, Sep 05). Retrieved from

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