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    Renaissance Art Work

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Holy Trinity with the Virgin
    Holy Trinity with the Virgin
    Features of Renaissance art: Perspective, Rome
    Reflection of the Renaissance and humanism:
    Appreciation of individual
    Roman architecture and antiquity
    Patrons putting themselves in their work
    Donatello, David
    Donatello, David
    Features of Renaissance art: human anatomy, contrapposto
    Reflection of the Renaissance and humanism:
    -Beauty of the human form
    -Exemplifies human strength
    -Shows idealistic male body
    -Ideal potential of man
    Botticelli, Primavera
    Botticelli, Primavera
    Features of Renaissance Art: Use of light and shadow, contrapposto, red and blue
    Reflection of the Renaissance and Humanism:
    -Appreciation of the individual (patrons in art)
    Botticelli, Birth of Venus
    Botticelli, Birth of Venus
    Features of Renaissance art: Red & Blue, Contrapposto, Human Anatomy
    Reflection of the Renaissance and humanism:
    -Use of paganism (mythology)
    -Beauty of human form
    -Beauty of being brought into the world
    Da Vinci, The Last Supper
    Da Vinci, The Last Supper
    Features of Renaissance Art: Perspective, light & shadow, linear perspective, red & blue, triangular composition
    Reflection of the Renaissance and humanism:
    -Human emotion
    Michelangelo, Pieta
    Michelangelo, Pieta
    Features of Renaissance art: Triangular composition, anatomy
    Reflection of the Renaissance and humanism:
    -Human emotion
    -Beauty of human form
    -Signature across chest showing power of artist {sense of arrogance}
    Da Vinci, Mona Lisa
    Da Vinci, Mona Lisa
    Features of Renaissance Art: Perspective, Triangular Composition, and Chiaroscuro
    Reflection of Renaissance and humanism:
    -Shows women of time period
    -Merchant wife has money
    -Human emotion
    -Individualist spirit
    Michelangelo, David
    Michelangelo, David
    Features of Renaissance art: ‘Rithmetic, anatomy, contrapposto
    Reflection of the Renaissance and humanism:
    -Strength of human body
    -Contemplation of man {virtue}
    -Ideal human form
    -Man became excellent b/c of intelligence
    Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel
    Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel
    Features of Renaissance: Use of red and blue, human anatomy
    Reflection of the Renaissance and Humanism:
    -Sense of individualism
    -Fall of Adam and Eve)
    Raphael, School of Athens
    Raphael, School of Athens
    Features of Renaissance art: perspective
    Reflection of the Renaissance and humanism:
    -Individual worth and potential
    -Rome and Greek antiquities
    -Michelangelo and Raphael in painting = they’re among other great minds
    -Scientists over the power of God

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    Renaissance Art Work. (2017, Sep 01). Retrieved from

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