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    Philosophy of Teaching Essay (683 words)

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    Teaching is about transferring knowledge acquired academically, socially, and professionally to individuals who are passionate about learning and reaching their objectives in life. My students will always identify my genuine desire about teaching from the first to the last classroom meeting. I am devoted to the transfer of knowledge beyond expectation since students will always be challenged even after graduation. Good foundation on class materials will continue helping them to overcome difficulties related to materials acquired in school. Brilliants or dedicated students will always remember materials covered in class. My experience will always be integrated in school materials to increase the understanding of materials covered during sessions.

    Primo, I will emphasize on the fact that education is a privilege even though it is never too late to learn. Students should invest on themselves to become academically and professionally successful since education is not free and it is expensive. Being in my classrooms, should not be considered as a free ride. However, students should see it as an opportunity to improve and acquire needed knowledge since the skills learned in school will be translated in their profession.

    More often, they will come across difficult tasks that will challenge their ability to solve problems. However, well vetted students in education will always come up with different ways of tackling problems when arising.

    In fact, some students are gifted as we have all noticed during our academic journey, but classrooms always have students that are struggling to pass classes. I will not drop quality of teaching to satisfy them to pass classes since it is said in French, “A vaincre sans peril, on triomphe sans gloire”, which translate to “To overcome without peril, one triumphs without glory.” Instead of dropping quality of teaching, I will always be available for extra help to students willing to have extra explanation on covered materials.

    Usually, freshman always struggle with courses since the material is new to them, and they are coming from different background. As semesters go on, students become familiar with materials, but others will continue struggling. To alleviate stress on strugglers, I will compensate their efforts by offering extra credit assignments.

    Assignments will be for all students, but each student will be offered an opportunity to improve grade. Any teacher aim should be to have more students passing a course in exchange of hard work. My objective is to have as many students passing class through hard work.


    Students in college should familiarized themselves with a lot of reading to understand courses. In the criminal justice field, reading is essential to a successful career. To prepare my students, I will assign to them group discussions for an opportunity to express themselves on diverse contemporary topics. Discussions and quizzes will be offered at least every two weeks, but homework will be given on each session to avoid laziness.

    To support students, I will reply to emails promptly or within 24 hours of reception. Quizzes, homework, and projects will be graded promptly or by the following session. Course materials will be planned on time for better lectures. Each lecture will include, reading materials, assignments, guideline on quizzes and exams, and next session topics.

    In addition, I will establish office hours once a week, but per student request, I will be available before and after sessions. Shy students in the classroom will have an opportunity to meet and ask questions during office hours.


    Professionally, I have developed curriculum for interns, coordinated meetings with faculty to improve placement during internship, assisted in the development of internship program to help students transitioning from theories to real world, established contact with representatives of different departments, worked with a diverse population from staff to clients.

    Academically, I have been able to analyze and comprehend criminal justice issues and society based on three approaches:

    • Criminological approach taught empirical investigation and critical analysis to prevent crime and maintain social order.
    • Justice administration approach taught me about management of resources and with emphasis of criminal justice organization.
    • policing approach taught me about community policing and prevention of crime in community through partnership between police and citizens

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Philosophy of Teaching Essay (683 words). (2021, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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