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    Personal Monologue – Homework Essay

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    Sitting on the front porch, I gazed upon the sky, thinking about my parents’ expectations of me. We are about to have a conversation about my schoolwork and all that fun stuff during dinner tonight, so I better think of some speeches. This is it. We go to class everyday in order to get dismiss and we attend school for the summer break. If not for this mighty principle to uphold us, I can not imagine how we will have the courage to come to school!

    My parents said to me, “If only you’re as accurate and attentive when doing your math problems as to when you’re remembering the celebrities’ names; If only when you are answering question you are as certain and have the prestige you have in gym class; If only you are as quiet when you’re studying as when you’re taking a test, then I’ll acknowledge my ability is poor since I did not recognize your fineness. ” If only, if only, why can’t they just accept it?

    I’m not the next Albert Einstein, I tried, I did and it was my best too. However, being as difficult as they are, they expect a whole lot more from me. If I try to reason with them by saying how hard and stressful school is, they would talk on and on about how their career is more stressful and difficult. I understand, I do, I know working is stressful but school is not anywhere far from it either. They should be more understanding, they should try to be in my shoes and go through what I went through.

    I know they went through school life as well but now its different, society’s view is different and now with the technology, it’s just too different. I don’t expect them to say school life is as stressful as work life but at least acknowledge that we have stress too and school is not easy. Also, why is that that every time after we finished a chapter, everyone said they don’t understand it and I comfort them saying I don’t understand as well. But when we’re taking a test, everyone was so relaxed and knows it while I still don’t understand?

    I tried, I did, and I studied a lot the night before but maybe it’s just not my best subject. I’m not good at every single subject for your information, like I’m good at math but I’m not good at science. I’m not those types of people who do excellent in one subject and as well in the others too. So please don’t compare me to other people, and don’t have too much expectation for me. It’s good to have someone believe in me, but the bigger the expectations, the harder the disappointment hits. Will they understand now?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Personal Monologue – Homework Essay. (2018, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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