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    Music history renaissance

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    three changes from MA to Renaissance
    individualism/ more focus on the real world than spirituality/ ease of travel and printed books, mingling of cultures
    Types of vocal music in Renaissance
    chanson, madrigal, motets, acapella, anthem, mass (liturgical)
    cantus firmus
    when composers take a line of chant and use it as a base for a new song (remix)
    What are the fundamentals of Medieval music
    based on modes, no modern scales
    plain chant in uinson with no harmony or accompaniment
    stylized courtly love songs were popular
    instruments were many and varied
    polyphony was invented
    taking a line of music and adding intervals of 4, 5 octaves to create polyphony
    What are 3 types of Renaissance compositions
    liturgical, secular, motets
    Name two early Renaissance composers
    John Dunstable (England)
    Guillame Dufray (France)
    name the most popular string instrument of the Renaissance
    What are the five sections of the Ordinary of the Mass
    Kyrie (lord have mercy), Gloria (glory to god), Credo, Sanctus (holy, holy,holy), agnus dei (lamb of god)
    Name a composer of the Mid Renaissance
    Josquin Desprez (1440-1521)
    What are the features of the Kyrie
    based on Acquinas plain chant
    Panne lingua mass
    features rhythm and imitation
    polyphonic – altos, tenors and bass
    What concerns did council of trent of Pope Paul III adress with music
    music performers were too theatrical, polyphony masked words, secular songs were the basis for sacred works
    Who was the “savior of polyphony”
    Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina (1525-1594)
    what are the characteristics of Palestrinas style of late Renaissance music
    balance, control, evenness, clarity, perfect text setting
    Describe the features of Exultatae Deo
    word painting
    motet based on Psalm 81
    imitation was a feature
    polyphonic for sopranos, altos I and II, tenors and bass
    describe madrigals
    secular vocal songs for smaller groups of singers w/o accompaniment
    often dealt with love, descriptions of nature, also war/battle
    Who was Thomas Morley (1557-1602)
    late renaissance English madrigal composer
    Sweet nymph come to thy lover
    Firefly and lightening
    both feature imitation and word painting
    What are the features of instrumental Renaissance music
    Dance was the largest category
    favorite form of entertainment
    music was binary in form (2 legs)
    usually performed in pairs
    Describe the fundamentals of Renaissance music
    Sound was smooth and homogeneous, harmony was based on modes, imitation was the most prominent feature, vocal genres included mass movements, motets, secular songs, instrumental music was either serious/imitative or light/dancy, motets and madrigals often used word painting
    Name the types of modes
    Dorian D to D
    Phrygian E to E
    Lidian F to F
    Mixolydian G to G
    Tomas Morely
    Council of Trent
    Exultate Deo
    small vocal groups that sing without accompaniment
    music that is sacred but not liturgical

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    Music history renaissance. (2017, Sep 06). Retrieved from

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