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    Music and why it should be used in schools Essay

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    Music is a form of art. It is used daily in many parts of the world, different kinds for everyone. It improves focus, gives students a better mood and it helps pass the time. Even though it may create an antisocial environment listening to music with headphones in classes has more good outcomes then bad. Student’s minds wander, No matter what. But personally when I am listening to music and working I’m more concentrated and I work faster.

    A wandering mind is unhappy, most of that time it is pent focusing on the inadequacy of life; music brings you back to the present. In your classes you need to focus. And what better way to do that then when listening to music? Though it has been proven that “some students can study effectively with music playing, while others are distracted by any outside stimulus”. You would find that more students can listen and study at the same time then people that cannot study with music playing in the background. It breaks you out of Just thinking one way,” said Dry. Teresa Leslie, an assistant professor in the music therapy program at the University of Miami. “In biological terms melodious sounds help encourage the release of dopamine in the reward area of the brain, as would eating a delicacy, looking at something appealing or smelling a pleasant aroma” said Dry. Amity Sod. That being said listening to music in the classrooms would bring a positive vibe to students as dopamine releases “good” feelings.

    Students who are in a better mood give the teachers they are with a better attitude, meaning that they do not deal with ids who are in a bad mood due to the fact that the dopamine did not release into the reward section of the brain. When students have a good attitude they are more than likely to learn better. And if students learn better they will get a better grade. When students listen to music in class it passes time faster and then they will not be rushing to finish before the bell rings to go to their next class.

    Cons of listening to music with headphones in class are equally important to the pros of using headphones in class. One of the cons being that it may create an antisocial classroom environment with everyone listening to their music and not participating with their peers as often as they would if they did not use headphones. Another con would be subliminal messages in songs that the kids are unaware of, changing their way of thoughts about certain things. Also if an alarm or announcement were to go off the students would not be able to hear it as their music may be up to loud.

    As you can see listening to music with headphones in can benefit the students and teachers n their classroom environment, in both good and bad ways. Even if it’s for certain days of the week students should be given the chance to prove how they learn with music. I’m not saying that they need to listen to the music constantly because they still need to pay attention to lectures or presentations from others. And it should be individually discussed between the student and teacher. So if it makes the loudest and most difficult student to teach be able to learn, why not try it? Music and why it should be used in schools By skeletally

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Music and why it should be used in schools Essay. (2017, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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