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    Mark Twain’s “The Lowest Animal”, Humans or Animals?

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    What has humanity forgotten about nature and about itself? Humans cause destruction and unnatural change by forces that nature couldn’t control, with the factors that nature provides for life on Earth is important to the stability of humans. As time progressed onward humans have forgotten what nature meant to them and nature has to pay the price for the actions taken by humans for their actions and their never ending desire for possession.

    As humans see themselves as superior beings than all the other animals in both the pyramid of the food chain and in also in the pyramid of dominance as human construct suggests.

    The informational essay written by Mark Twain, The Lowest Animal tests the claims of Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by providing evidence to suggest otherwise. In the text Twain is breaking the basis of the Theory of Evolution by stating humanity has evolved from the upper status of the animals.

    The ideals that are explained in Mark Twain’s, The Lowest Animal is to showcase that humans are less than animals in the sense what they have forgotten from animals but humans have factors that make them responsible for their actions or for any conscious that they have whilst animals can’t control themselves the same way that humans can and that is the flaw of man which in Twain’s mind proves his claim that man is a descent from animals and that animals are ascent of man, which is a reverse on Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.

    A developmental connection to the thesis that Mark Twain addresses in his writing, with A Mercy by Toni Morrison as she explains what man has done to nature. In the novel A Mercy written by Toni Morrison, gives readers a view into what the evils are of man to others that aren’t the same as themselves.

    With the innovations that humanity has done corporations use this tactic of using chemicals in their products to give consumers more for what they are paying for by giving them incentives to purchase more at their own expense. The documentary Circle of Poison by Evan Mascagni, Shannon Post show accounts of those who are affected the use of chemical pesticides in farming products and what that does to people.

    The goal of the documentary was to show to the effects of what the U.S government has done with the use of pesticides and how the effects of using them harms the other counties that are exported to for the sake of earning a larger profit for the economy but it harms the environment and it response with a harder resistance to what the pesticides are made for even though they may have fixed so problems temporally, the damages are much more greater than what they are worth.

    As humanity evolved quicker than what they expected they used nature more and more as generations went by they were forgetting more about nature and more on themselves by using nature at their leisure for their own destructive ambitions. The human construct, habitat alteration, chemicals, man’s cruelty and humanities loss of what nature is to them and they have to relearn the integrity of nature.

    The changes that are happening to nature is caused by what major corporations want in their interest at the cost expense of destroying nature in order to accomplish their goals and people want that to change and stop them from using up the environment.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Mark Twain’s “The Lowest Animal”, Humans or Animals?. (2023, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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