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    Leonardo Da Vinci Essay Thesis (316 words)

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    Leonardo dad Vinci was born in 1452 . Born out of wedlock in Vinci, Italy Oust outside Florence), Leonardo illegitimate standing kept him from receiving a good education and excluded him from the most lucrative occupations. However, such limitations never hindered (and perhaps even fueled) dad Vine’s desire for knowledge and great ambition. At the age of 15, dad Vinci became the apprentice of the painter Andrea del Overreach in Florence, where his skills as an artist developed, flourished and even intimidated his mentor.

    While always interested in inventions, it was a change of scenery in 1482 that truly unleashed the inventor in dad Vinci. Looking for a broader scope of work, dad Vinci moved from Florence, widely considered the cultural capital of Italy, to Milan, a much more political and militaristic city. There, dad Vinci sold himself to Duke Ludicrous Sports (a successful military leader called “the dark one”) as a military engineer.

    In the city that “lived and died by the sword”, dad Vinci began developing many of his famous war inventions. Dad Vinci spent 17 years in Milan working for the Duke, inventing, painting, sculpting, studying science and conceiving an endless stream of innovative and daring ideas. Without a doubt, the 17 years spent in Milan were dad Vine’s most productive period. But, of course, all things must come to an end. In 1499, the French invaded Milan and Duke Sports was sent fleeing the city.

    Leonardo spent the remaining years of his life traveling to cities like Venice and Rome to work on different projects, with a greater concentration on his art (starting on his most famous piece, the Mona Lisa, in 1503) and studies in anatomy (dad Vinci conducted over 30 autopsies in his lifetime). After envisioning hundreds of inventions, bringing to life legendary works of art and making breakthroughs in a vast array of other fields (ranging from astronomy to architecture), dad Vinci died in 1 519 at the age of 67.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Leonardo Da Vinci Essay Thesis (316 words). (2017, Oct 16). Retrieved from

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