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    Leininger Sunrise Model in Nursing Care Essay

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    Madeleine Leininger is the organizer of the transcultural nursing hypothesis. This paper is centered around the basic element of her hypothesis. The conversation gave is to show how the hypothesis was created and its evolvement in the previous decades.

    She is known for the most part as a result of her hypothesis which has affected the clinical settings. Her hypothesis came up from the clinical experience perceiving that culture was a missing connection in the nursing Knowledge and practice.

    The Transcultural theory utilizes the concepts of culture, race, and ethnicity to comprehend human behavior. While giving culturally competent consideration nurses should understand the importance of these terms.

    Leininger additionally centers around a couple of different concepts, for example, cultural competence, cultural awareness, and cultural assimilation.

    Madeline characterizes nursing as a scholarly humanistic and scientific profession and discipline which is focused on the care of human marvels and exercises to help, encourage, support or empower people or groups to keep up and accomplish their health and prosperity in beneficial and culturally meaningful ways as well as help people to face death or life conditions.

    Culture Care Theory has assumed a critical job in nursing practice. The hypothesis features various concepts, in which, Leininger clearly characterizes and reliably uses in various publishing’s. The concepts in Leininger’s hypothesis are the best quality level for transcultural nursing.

    There are various hypothetical premises for the cultural care hypothesis. Leininger featured five significant assumptions.

    The first is ‘Care is the essence of nursing and an unmistakable, predominant, central, and unifying focus.’ Nurses furnish care with affectability and empathy.

    The cultural care hypothesis expects nurses to give that equivalent care, yet dependent on the cultural uniqueness of every person.

    Secondly, “Culturally based care is basic for prosperity well-being, development, endurance, and in confronting debilitations or death.’

    Non-culturally competent care has been connected to increased health care costs and decreased consistency by people. People will, in general, be resistant if their culture needs are not met or have been excused.

    The third assumption that is ‘Culturally based care is the most comprehensive, holistic, and particularistic intends to know, clarify, decipher, and predict useful congruent care practices.’ Culturally competent nursing care is intended for a particular customer, reflects the person’s beliefs and values, and is furnished with affectability.

    The fourth is ‘Culturally based caring is essential to curing and healing, as there can be no curing without caring, although caring can happen without curing.’  Therefore, there is an increased need to perceive the effect of culture on health care and to learn about the culture of the individuals to whom you provide care.

    The last assumption that is ‘Culture care concepts, implications, expressions, examples, process, and structural forms vary Madeline Leininger’s Theory transcultural, with diversities and a few universalities.’

    Nurses should know about cultural beliefs, cultural behaviors, and cultural differences and should avoid the temptation of premature generalizations.

    Following these presumptions of the cultural care hypothesis nurses will be not so much critical more accepting of cultures but rather more tolerating of societies. This type of practice will advance all-encompassing care for all cultures.

    The objective of professional nursing care is to give consistent care with cultural values, beliefs, and practices.

    The information on culture assumes a critical job in the field of nursing to ensure quality health care is provided to the patients.

    Nursing is an educated humanistic and scientific profession that centers around the human care phenomenon and caring ways with the point of supporting, encouraging, and additionally empowering patients to keep up, regain and advance their culturally significant ways.

    It’s significant for any nurse to be sensitive to their customer’s cultural backgrounds when they are making a nursing plan. Nurses are furnished and prepared, with Leininger’s tools and direction, prepared to satisfy the future needs for culturally competent nursing care.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Leininger Sunrise Model in Nursing Care Essay. (2023, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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