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    The Benefits of Nursing Language Development and the Nursing Classification System

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    ANA in Nursing Language Development and the Nursing Classification System The application of nursing language for documentation of nursing care is important to both the profession of nursing and the direct care nurse. Recently, the ANA has sanctioned 13 languages that promote the nursing practice, of which 10 are taken to be specific to nursing care (Tennessee Nurse, 2013).

    How Nursing Language Development and the Nursing Classification System is Utilized in Nursing

    Considering the role of the ANA in nursing language development and the nursing classification system as well as the importance of the interdisciplinary care plan system, the development of nursing language must follow the ANA criteria. This means that the criteria of nursing language development are regularly updated considering the classification of nursing, the set data and the nomenclature, which give a rationale for its support and development in the nursing process by providing clinically convenient terminology. In addition, the concept that are utilized are always ambiguous and clear as well as reliable and validity. There is also a group that is accountable for maintaining and revising the concepts.

    The criteria used by the American Nursing Association to evaluate how the nursing language is implemented are;

    • How the terminology can be linked to other terms
    • The ease of storing and retrieving records
    • Security and the maintenance of confidentiality are taken

    The above criteria are evaluated by the committee to ensure that the sets criteria are met by the nurses. Benefits of nursing language development and nursing classification to patients and health providers.

    Benefits of Nursing Language Development and Nursing Classification to Patients and Health Providers

    Improved Communication Among Nurses and Health Care Providers

    Better communication between a healthcare provider and nurses is a primary benefit of applying nursing language and classification. Nurses recognize the value of language development and nursing classification with the onset of the classification of diseases. For example, the statistical and diagnostic manual of mental disorders which gives a standardized language development for mental disorders (Tennessee Nurse, 2013). The use of nursing language and nursing classification system enhances better communication of nursing care internationally as well as nationally. This is significant because it creates awareness among nurses regarding their nursing interventions, which might not be in use in the current area. This means that better communication helps nurses provide emergency services to patients when the need arises. For example, a victim who has encountered sexual violence is able to be identified and necessary action is taken to avoid further injuries. Hence, through better communication, particular interventions are identified and the necessary support is given by nurses to patients in need. Patients are also empowered to be active participants in their care.

    Enable the Collection of Patient Data

    The ANA provides guidelines on the use of nursing language development and the nursing classification system. The use of these guidelines enables the collection of patient data, which is consistent with the quality of patient results. Moreover, they provide various nursing interventions across different settings.

    Expanded Visibility of Nursing Involvements

    Generally, nurses like to express what they do for their clients. Since nurses use notes that are informal to report to each other, rather than the records of the patients, their work remains not visible. Through the use of nursing language development and the nursing classification system, more focus is put on a patient by utilizing consistent documentation. Increased use of them will help identify the impact of nurses on patient results, thus making nursing more perceptible. In addition, the nursing practice, treatments, and interventions incorporate nursing skills and experience to enhance nursing judgment about the care of the patient. These are formed in the nursing language development and the nursing classification system.

    Better Patient Care

    The use of nursing language and nursing classification system to improve patient care. This is because the necessary nurse intervention is identified for patient care. Besides, the interdisciplinary care plan system guides nurses to provide continuous and quality support to patients. This benefits the patient since their demands are met and proper attention is provided. The ANA requires nurses to use a standardized language so as to enable every nurse to understand one another. This improves patient care because the patient can be attended to by different nurses with no restrictions and their problem addressed properly.

    Observance of the Standard of Care

    In every profession, the standard of care is taken into account. In the nursing field negligence is forbidden and it is the duty of nurse to adhere to standards of care to a given patient. The role of the American Association of Nursing in nursing language development and nursing classification system is to ensure that the standard of care is enhanced. This ensures that the focus of nurses is patient care, thus improving patient care. Moreover, failure to envisage this, proper interdisciplinary action is taken.


    The nursing language development and nursing classification system were developed for all nurses. The role of the American Nurse Association is to develop these systems in an attempt to institute a communal language for nursing practice. Through the use of a common language, nurses all over the world are able to communicate with one another, thus improving patient care,


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    The Benefits of Nursing Language Development and the Nursing Classification System. (2023, Mar 24). Retrieved from

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