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    Essay on Online Shopping Is A Daily Habit Of Most Essay

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    Online ShoppingIn 2017, it is estimated that three hundred seventy billion dollars will be spent on online shopping. Online shopping has become a daily habit of most. Many people from young to old, shop for different products such as Christmas to birthday or home decorating items to even buying a home. In this day and age it is so easy to surf the Internet, making online shopping fast and convenient. Shopping online has many different aspects as far as the advantages, who is doing the most of online shopping, what to do if you get “stiffed”, how tracking numbers work, security issues, and last but not least, the potential harm of buying online.

    First, the advantages of online shopping starts with time saving. I know a lot of people, including my mom, shop because it is so much faster and she runs multiple businesses that take up her time, which doesn’t allow her to actually shop. Many individuals don’t want to waste gas or energy clawing their way through crowds at malls or shopping centers. Another benefit is being able to compare prices as quickly as moving your mouse. Anyone can look at many different websites and be able to see which company has products that are cheaper. The availability of online shopping for products is also incredible.

    I know that when I show up to stores wanting a certain thing or item and then finding out they are out of stock and won’t get any more for another couple weeks it is very frustrating. Online, a person is allowed to see when the shipment will arrive and can play on getting the item a certain date. Another positive idea about shopping online is that lines are not a worry. I personally hate waiting in lines. For example, black Friday shopping is my moms biggest time for Christmas shopping b. .

    make sure that the company they are giving money to is not fake. Lastly, many people might ask what is the harm in buying online. You cannot really see or feel they exact thing being purchased on might say. Your items may be broken or incorrect when the buyer has the package delivered to them. If the merchandise is wrong, the person who bought it might have to drive to return it or pay for it to be shipped back. There is also a great chance of online fraud if the company or website is not reliable.

    There are many disadvantages of online shopping, a buyer must know the risks they take when buying online. In conclusion, I feel that online shopping isn’t all bad and there is a smart way to do it. Online shopping makes life easier for a lot of people and helps companies increase their sales. Overall, online shopping has its perks and defeats just like anything else.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay on Online Shopping Is A Daily Habit Of Most Essay. (2019, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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