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    Concert music review Essay (685 words)

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    It was very nice it reminded me of a small concert hall. The orchestra fill the whole area were the choir usually sit. Christopher Wilkins, he conductor along within a full orchestra and Airman Burgeon-Longish the violinist, who all played four great suites from the genius of Georges Baize, the piece from Learnedness, Carmen suite, and Carmen fantasies, and Symphony in C’ that took you back in time. This classical music from the romantic era was breath taking. Learnedness this first section was writing by Alphorns Etude and composed by Baize.

    The words Learnedness translate “The Girl from Aries,” this was like a form of classical folk music. The conductor told the short story of the music, which is of the girl from Aries fall in love with a young peasant Frederic, who he later found out Just before his wedding, that his girls has been infidelity. He goes crazy and kills himself. The first suite used a full symphony orchestra but without the chorus. The set opens with a strong, lively theme, which had Christmas theme played by violins. Afterwards, it’s continually by various sections.

    After reaching a high point, in this theme it fades away. The movements, resembles a minuet, while the thirds more emotional and low- key. The last movement features a preparing bell-tone pattern on the horns, mimicking a ringing of church bells. This rang of short solos, was intense and wonderful at the same time. The second set, Carmen suite for striking and strings, another one of Baize, was written for one his opera, a story of gypsy woman. In this section the sound selection of strings, timpani and four separate group of persuasion instrumental.

    With the sexy Cuba tone was a foot stumper and sound of sorrow of death made you feel the sadness in the music. The third song, Carmen fantasies, after a short intro from the orchestra this collaboration of violins and then orchestra was performed excellent. Airman Burgeon -Longish on the violin solos was smooth, she kept it classical and romantic of 1882 theme. Some of the melody of the song was bright and peacefully sounds. This piece was the perfect introduction to intermission as the orchestra come to their conclusion.

    In the conclusion, Symphony in C’, of Baize, include four movement, allegro vivo, Concert music review By Cadillac going up and down, then with second movement was very slow and smooth with the romance sound, third movement is a diverse tone, I can hear the sound of Beethoven and great piece how the strings and wind instruments works collectively. In the end the final four of four was gorgeous as it came to an end. All the way back to the begin of the show started out outstanding, as my heart beat fast listen to the music of Baize, of Learnedness, it was the first time I herd from these ears of mine such wonderful sound.

    It took me back to my child hood memory of a classical Christmas movie. Carmen Suite, was had such a romantic sound you car hear the story line in the music, it so over whelming, it give you a feeling like Just want to listen to it over and over again. Carmen fantasies, in this violin solo was amazing from Mrs.. Longish, she showed off her skills and more. The smooth transitional in her violin to orchestra was divine music to my ears. The music came to the end with Symphony in C from Baize, the conductor executive the transitional very well the movement one to four.

    The best experience I had with classical music. This was all a new experience with me; I have never been too live orchestra. I thought the live experience was way better than listening to on the radio or on a CD. I love how the conductor had a since of a funny side and gave the audience the story line and a brief history of Baize. I don’t think my eyes blinked much during this whole experience, if anyone has never experiences a live orchestra, I advise them to try it for themselves.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Concert music review Essay (685 words). (2017, Nov 23). Retrieved from

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