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    College Should Be Free For All Students

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    “A child without education is like a bird without wings.” quote by Tibetan Proverb. College students have a choice to go to college or not. A college student in Kansas pays about $12,000 per year for tuition. To stay in college students are trying hard to pay their tuition by working part-time and taking out loans. The government should be for free education for college students because it reduces students from dropping out, it helps families become financially stable, and it reduces the crime rate.

    In 2019 Vermont had the highest tuition, $37,735. With this amount of money will the student be able to study, knowing that he or she is still in need of money. Some of the reasons why college costs so much before because of the dorms, dining halls, classrooms, and professional-grade athletic facilities. Students try to pay the tuition by working part-time and taking out loans. Many students may have or think of dropping out because they have too many things to do and they don’t have time to focus on their studies.

    The average in-state college tuition in Kansas was $11,944. This amount might not be as much as Vermont tuition, but some parents still won’t send their child because they are not good financially. If parents pay a little than their child may need to work to pay for tuition, their studies my go down, and they will not sleep because they were finishing their homework.

    Teenagers have a choice to go to college or not. Teenagers that say that they will attend college after high school does not want to pay money. Instead, they want to study more, not party and get their part-time jobs so they could buy things. They don’t want to be worried about how much they pay. Some college students worry too much and drop out so that their parents or they don’t have to pay that much money. Going to college many reduce the crime rate and students will become well-educated adults.

    Some people might argue that attending college is a choice that individuals make, and they should be responsible for it. Students know the responsibility of going to college that’s why they choose to go. Making the students pay for their education might force them not to go. Some people might say that the government is helping students out through financial aid so students pay less. If the government paid for everything then students who what to go, will go, but they do not fund all of it, once students get out of college they will be in debt and pay more than what the government aids them with.

    In conclusion, the government should be for free education for college students, tuition cost too much, parents might not be able to pay for it and it might reduce the crime rate. The average in-state college tuition in Kansas was $11,944. Students who are not good financially don’t get any sleep, don’t get to class, and don’t pay their tuition because they are working many part-time jobs to pay for it. It reduces the crime rate because they study more, are in class, and they don’t have time to go out because they are doing their homework. Paying for college and not going to class is like paying for a hotel and sleeping on the bench.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    College Should Be Free For All Students. (2022, Dec 20). Retrieved from

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