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    Voyages of Christopher Columbus Essay

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    Christopher Columbus Essay was a Spanish-Italian Navigator, born between August 25th and October 31st, 1451 in the seaport city of Genoa, Italy.

    His father was a wool weaver and at the age of 14, Christopher Columbus began a seafaring career. Between voyages, Christopher Columbus kept busy with the making and selling of charts and maps. As a young student of natural science as a seafarer, Columbus was fascinated by Marco Polos travels to Asia in 1275. Columbus was sent to Asia to gather spices and silk. Columbus had to make a choice to go to the Asia by sailing west instead of est, to get the spices and the silk. In this journey, Columbus had to take risks for finding Asia.

    Back then, people thought that the world was flat and the only way you could there would be by sailing est, but Columbus was curious and wanted to sail west. Columbus had to wait a long time for Queen Isabella to make a choice of if she should support him or not. The Queen thought that Columbus price was too high. Columbus wanted three ships, but the Queen was only willing to give him one. Columbus had to wait. Columbus discovered the New World in 1492, and thought it was Asia.

    He and his men, unexpectedly, came across Natives and their culture, and realized this was not Asia. Columbus first landed on the island of Navidad, and ended up coming back to this New World 3 more times. He never landed on the main land of America, but he keeped on exploring the coasts of America, looking for an opening to get to Asia. Unfortunatly, he never found it because there was and is none. Columbus attitude to all of this was pretty positive. Columbus attitude was negative at some times, like when Queen Isabella thought that his price was too high, and when he had to wait for years and years to go to Asia, but he keeped his hopes up and believed that some day hed be able to go to Asia.


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    Voyages of Christopher Columbus Essay. (2019, Apr 05). Retrieved from

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