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    If Christopher Columbus Returned To The ?New World Essay

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    ? In The Year 2000″If Christopher Columbus Returned to the New World’ in the year 2000, what evidence of his discovery would he find?”Christopher Columbus set sail August 3, 1492 in search for a new route to the West Indies. Sailing west from the Canaries, his ship was tossed around by trade winds, which ultimately guided his fleet off course. Due to his new route, Columbus came across land, which we know today as America. When Columbus arrived to the New World, he thought he had reached his required destination, the West Indies.

    Before setting sail to Spain, Columbus decided to leave 44 crewmembers in the new found land to start their own colony, which was successful. If Columbus was to return to the “New World” in the year 2000, I think he would be very surprised with our success. There are many pieces of evidence that express our thankfulness for his discovery. The name Columbus lives on in rivers, nations, and cities.

    One large piece of evidence is Columbus Day. On this day, we show our appreciation to Columbus for all his discoveries, how thankful we are for his discovery of the New World’. This day is considered a national holiday in the United States, many major companies, factories, and schools are closed. Another major event that occurs in Columbus’ remembrance is the Columbus Day Parade.

    This is a parade that is held on Columbus Day in many different cities in honor of Christopher Columbus. Through this celebration we express how thankful we actually are. We show that he has a meaning in history, he is the explorer who was courageous, who was willing to risk his own life for his discovery, and when he could have turned back he didn’t, and it is his name we honor. Besides holidays and parades, there are also landmarks that are named after Columbus. Like Columbus, Ohio, or Columbus, Georgia.

    These are just two of many landmarks named after him. Not only are there landmarks, there are also rivers named after him, such as the Columbus River, which people today know as the Scioto River. This river runs directly through the city of Columbus, and extends through Ohio into Kentucky and Indiana, then it eventually connects with the Ohio River. Many states have statues of Christopher Columbus centered within their cities. Americans look to Columbus as an explorer and a hero.

    He was the man who had enough courage to put his life, and the lives of others, in jeopardy. Many of his crew members didn’t choose whether they wanted to sail with Columbus or not. Many felt that Columbus wasn’t thinking about what could happen, but he was. He knew the worst possibilities, but he wanted to prove to everyone that he could do it, that’s why he never gave up.

    A famous organization, called The Knights of Columbus, is another piece of evidence that Columbus would find if he ever returned to the New World’. This is a Catholic organization that donates food and money to the needy. They hold food drives and soup kitchens; they also donate money to hospitals and to the sick. This organization also supplies children going to a Private School, or to college, with a scholarship.

    Not only do the Knights of Columbus help people in need, they also have festivities, which all people are welcomed to attend. The Knights of Columbus is an organization built to help people live and grow, as did Columbus himself by discovering a New World’. By discovering America, Columbus opened many new doors to Europe. The Knights are trying to keep his tradition alive.

    They want to help people who are in need and have no one to turn to. They participate in the Catholic Church, as did Columbus. They make their organization known, they want to welcome all types of people and let them know that they care and they can help. In my eyes, Columbus was an extremely courageous man. He might have been scared, but he never once let it show.

    I feel that Columbus would be very pleased if he ever returned to the New World’. All of the evidence he could find about his .

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    If Christopher Columbus Returned To The ?New World Essay. (2019, Mar 20). Retrieved from

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