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    Chapter 19 flashcard

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    Whose David was the first life-size nude sculpture since antiquity?
    Sandro Botticelli’s paintings, such as The Birth of Venus, reflect his interest in a philosophy called?
    Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is thought to have had appeal to the Renaissance imagination in part because the portrait reveals?
    the personality of the sitter
    In School of Athens, Raphael represents the two significant schools of philosophy, signified by the portrayal of what two figures in the center of the composition?
    Plato and Aristotle
    in Hundreds of Birds Admiring the Peacocks painting by Yin Hong, from the late fifteenth to early sixteenth century, the peacock symbolizes
    the Chinese emperor
    The sculptor Gianlorenzo Bernini created Ecstasy of St. Theresa, a centerpiece of a chapel in Rome. It is typical of which style?
    The style of Burial of Count Orgaz is highly eclectic and individual. The artist is?
    El Greco
    Which of the following is an example of High Renaissance painting?
    Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus
    Which of these is an example of Baroque painting?
    Caravaggio’s The Calling of St. Matthew
    The Baroque can be characterized as/by?
    17th century theatrical compositions rendered in very high contrast.
    Coatlicue is a deity from which culture?
    The Limbourg Brothers’ manuscript Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry signified the return of what, lost in art since antiquity?
    cast shadows
    In the 1330s, Petrarch conceived of a philosophy that emphasized the value of the individual and the pursuit and study of classical languages, literature, history, and philosophy. Today we call these disciplines the?
    Florence became a cultural center of the Renaissance in a large part due to?
    the Medici family.
    What sets northern European artists apart from most artists of the Italian Renaissance is their interest in?
    rendering believable space in realistic detail.
    Michelangelo’s painting, The Last Judgment, for the Sistine Chapel, typifies a style that came to be known as?
    Early Renaissance architect Brunelleschi is best known for?
    developing linear perspective and designing the dome over the huge crossing in Florence Cathedral.
    The “Big 3” of the Italian High Renaissance were?
    DaVinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael.
    Michelangelo is considered a Mannerist and High Renaissance artist. What is it about his paintings that characterize the Mannerist style?
    his turbulent compositions
    What did the early-Renaissance sculptor Donatello do that hadn’t been done since Classical Antiquity?
    he sculpted nude figures
    Leonardo was known in his time for his work as an artist and as a(n)?
    military engineer and weapons-designer
    Florentine Renaissance art prioritized disegno, drawing and delineation of forms, while Venetian Renaissance art prioritized?
    the sensuousness of light and color.
    Teotihuacan was an important cultural center for which Mesoamerican culture?
    It is not known which culture used it.
    Machu Picchu was a “getaway” for which culture’s rules?
    Who was the most influential artist of the Baroque period in Europe?

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    Chapter 19 flashcard. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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