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    Renaissance DBQ Document D

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    Which of the drawings is more realistic? Explain.
    The drawing on the right (created by Andreas Vesalius) is more realistic because it shows what our body looks like under the skin.
    During medieval times, what was widely believed to control the health and well being of different
    parts of the body? Give an example.
    During Medieval Times the stars controlled the health and well-being of others. An example of this is the constellation called Aries the Ram controls the head.
    What do you suppose Vesalius thought of the zodiac theory of anatomy?
    Vesalius most likely thought the image at the left was incorrect and ridiculous because he actually did researched and dissected the human body.
    How did Vesalius get his information about the makeup of the human body?
    Vesalius got his information on the makeup of the human body by dissecting human corpses.
    How does this document show how the Renaissance changed man’s view of man?
    This document shows how the Renaissance changed man’s view of man by making them feel proud and smart because they have more knowledge and it gives them the courage to go out into the world to do and learn more.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Renaissance DBQ Document D. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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