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    Bank of New York

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    My project is called Bank of New York. Form is integrated into my design by the outside of the box being designed with landmarks in New York, and the inside of the box is a high security bank. Function is also integrated into my design by using many aspects from a bank into the inside of this box. I used a key pad from a cellular phone to act as a key pad that connects to the alarm inside the safe of the bank. The red wire is part of the alarm, the red wire is to act as the laser security for motion. I used many design elements in my project.

    Starting with the outside of the box, the top and right side of the box is designed to be Central Park. I used real grass that is glued to the box to show represent the park. Also I used dirt, to represent the walk-ways through out the park. The Statue of Liberty is in the middle of the grass to represent freedom through out New York and most of the world. On the front of the box is the United States flag which represents diversity, because New York is one of the most diverse places in the world. New York has all types of people, which makes it so attractive.

    Also on the front of the box is the title of the bank named Bank of New York in the design of the twenty dollar bill. I chose to make the letters in the design of the twenty dollar bill because New York is a major money market with having the NY stock exchange and the world bank. On the left side of the box I have the background painting of a basketball, while there are two pictures of Madison Square Garden. Madison Square Garden is a major arena in New York that people through out the world come to see.

    Now the inside of the box I started by painting the background black because most safes and banks walls are black or gray. I used a cell phone key pad to act as the alarm to the safe. The red wire are used as a design of lasers that can detect motion inside the safe. The money at the bottom of the safe is mixed all together. There are all different types of coins and bills inside the safe. My composition and constructions choices started out by finding a cardboard box. I then cut the box to make it 1 foot square.

    I used five squares and taped them all together until it made a box. My hardest decision in the construction of the box was to figure which side I was to leave open. I can to the conclusion of leaving the back of the box open because it was the easiest way to work inside the box and also see inside the box. I then figured out all of the materials that I needed by making a list. I used paint, grass, dirt, pictures, flags, money, statues, and many other objects. During the construction on this project a hard part was figuring out how I was going to place everything on the box.

    My problem was figuring out how to make the grass and dirt stay on the sides of the box. I then found super glue that I was able to smear all over the areas that the grass and dirt was going to go. The glue was able to hold my materials and made it easier for me to complete the 3D box. I learned that it is hard to make 3D art. I found that it takes a lot of time configuring what you want to do. It is hard to take what you have on paper and in your mind and actually make it work in a project.

    The 3D art project allowed me to make art out of a design that just came from my mind to paper and then an actual art piece. This project was extremely fun and at the same time extremely hard. One of the hardest parts of this project was to make a list of everything you want to use and then actually be able to use them. For example the box is only 1 foot by 1 foot, I was not able to use a real size American Flag because it would not fit, so I had to find a smaller flag that was able to fit the dimensions of the box.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Bank of New York. (2018, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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