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    Art Comparison And Contrast Essay

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    The first piece of art that I analyzed is the Cathedral of St. Etienne, Cean, France. This photograph of a giant cathedral is amazing. It was designed and built during the years of 1067-1087 C.E. This cathedral has many characteristics which contributed to the future of Romanesque and Gothic architecture. This cathedral is characterized by its round arches and vaults, twin towered facade, and the substitution of piers for columns. It was the beginning of many Romanesque buildings.

    The second piece of art that I analyzed is the photograph of Sony Plaza, in New York City. This photo is of a building designed and built in the Post Modernist style, which is relatively a new style. It rejects the formality of past ideas like Modernism, but incorporates ideas of historical motifs.

    These two pieces of architecture are from two very different time periods, one from before the 1st century, and the other during the 20thcentury. Another difference is the styles, one has many towers, rounded arches, and buttresses, and the other is basically entirely a tower. Another difference about the style is that the Cathedral of St. Etienne leads to the design of many other great pieces of architecture throughout multiple styles and decades.

    Also the materials used for each are much different, the building in Sony Plaza is made of steel, and the cathedral was built with bricks. The functions of the two buildings differ greatly. One is a place for worship and peace, and the other a place for business and chaos. The ages of the two are also very different. One is from the 1980’s and the other is from the 1000’s.

    One similarity that I found is the colors of both pieces. The architects of both pieces used a monochromatic color scheme.

    Basically what you can observe from these two pieces of art is that from one design always comes another. Both of these styles uses some bits and pieces of a past idea, and in the future you can bet that some ideas of post modernism will be used to establish a new style.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Art Comparison And Contrast Essay. (2018, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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