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    Art Appreciation Ch. 4.10 Essay

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    Cindy Sherman’s “Untitled Film Still #35” was intended to comment on the ________.
    Limited roles available to women in the 1950s
    How did the Feminist artists Judy Chicago and the Guerrilla Girls expand the opportunities and subject matter of art to include women and issues relevant to them?
    By bringing attention to women who had been left out of the history of art
    In Catherine Opie’s “Melissa & Lake, Durham, North Carolina,” the depiction of gender is made ambiguous for what reason?
    To challenge assumptions about identity based on appearances
    In the twentieth century, personal identity became a central issue for artists. Such groups as ________, who had previously been excluded from mainstream culture, began celebrating their differences.
    Women, ethnic minorities, homosexuals, and the transgender community
    Self-portraits by Vincent van Gogh and Frida Kahlo express which of the following?
    What the artist looked like and experienced on a personal level
    Spike Lee’s movie Do the Right Thing focuses on:
    Race relations between Italian-Americans and African-Americans
    The sculpture of the Sphinx of Hatshepsut depicts:
    A female dedicated as a male king
    There are no artworks that consciously counter stereotypical representations by showing men as vulnerable and women as powerful.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Art Appreciation Ch. 4.10 Essay. (2017, Oct 27). Retrieved from

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