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    Andy Warhol on the 20th century artist Essay

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    Andy Warhol I’ve chosen to write my paper on the 20th century artist Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol was born as Andrew Warhol on August 6th, 1928 in Pittsburgh, PA. He is known as a lead figure in pop art for his visually striking prints and paintings. He was also known on the side for filming, author, and for the people he associated with including celebrities, intellectuals and wealthy people. Andy Warhol is well known in the artist community, one Of his paintings being sold for up to SOCIO million.

    Andy studied commercial art at the School Of Fine Arts at Carnegie Institute Of Technology in PA. He moved to NYC in 1949 and began advertising and illustrating. He began with loose, blotted-ink style and was then hired by a record company to design album covers and promo material. He then began using the silk screen printmaking process in a lot of his paintings. Several of his advertising images had a characteristic image; they resulted in a cartoonist sort of painting.

    His art work was filled with imperfections from smudges to smears but it was tolerated for he believed that “… When you do something exactly wrong, you always turn up something. ” In the sass he began exhibiting art in New York and held his first art exhibition in Los Angles, CA It was during the 1 ass’s that Andy Warhol began making portraits of iconic celebrities including Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, and Muhammad All just to name a few.

    He used the silkscreen method for these portraits and his work became very popular, Included in his exhibits were his portraits of dollar bills, political madness, mushroom clouds, electric chairs, and brand name products; an example being a portrait of a Campbell tomato soup can which he is well known for. A portrait of one of these NAS sold for up to $11500 vile an autographed can sold for $6. In 1968, Valerie Salinas attempted to murder Andy Warhol.

    She had shot him because she Andy wouldn’t return a script she had given him after he turned her down from his films. Andy was severely wounded and just barely survived. He suffered for the rest Of his life; it affected his art and his outlook on life. Afterwards he made portraits of more celebrities including John Lennox. Liz Millennial, Diana Ross, and Mice]eager. He was still quite relevant in the ass’s, mainly being criticized for being a “business artist’ and for his “facile and immemorial” portraits.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Andy Warhol on the 20th century artist Essay. (2018, May 22). Retrieved from

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