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    Andy Warhol: Biography Essay (794 words)

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    In the sass he was known as a very successful commercial artist and won overall awards from the Art Director’s Club and the American Institute Of Graphic Arts. It was around this time he shortened his last name to “Warhol”. In 1952 he had his first art show at Hugo Gallery and had his first group show at The Museum of Modern Art in 1956 (Andy Warhol: Biography). In the sass, Warhol began producing some of his most recognizable and famous paintings. He began painting Campbell soup cans and Coca-Cola bottles.

    Later on he began using the silkscreen method to mass produce his work. A lot of his work was based on pop culture and what America thought was important at the time. A few other of his most famous pieces are his portraits to Marilyn Monroe, Liz Menial, Judy Garland, Elizabeth Taylor, Elvis Presley, and James Dean. He also painted money, women’s shoes, groceries, and newspaper clippings, All of his work was done in his studio called “The Factory” located on Union Square in New York.

    He hired many workers to assist him with his prints, films, and books. These “art workers” were his friends who often appeared in his films and helped write his books. These men and women ever referred to as Factory workers” When Warhol was scheduled to lecture at a university, he would send one his friends dressed as him to instead if he did not van to go himself. The imposter Warhol would quietly sit on stage while other ‘V-actors workers” talked about Whorl’s work and advised the students to drop out of college.

    Eventually the school’s caught on and Warhol had to refund them (Andy Warhol). In his free time, Warhol enjoyed going to popular night clubs in New York such as Serendipity and Studio 54. He was described as being shy, quiet, and an observer. Warhol was openly gay which was rare at the time for a celebrity. He had many photographs and drawings of nude men; along with films he did titled “My Hustler”, “Blow Job”, and “Lonesome Cowboys”. These were popular in the underground gay community.

    Many of his drawings and photographs were rejected from galleries for being “too openly gay” and his films usually premiered at gay porn theaters, Warhol also liked to collect things. He saved every piece of fan mail, magazines related to him, personal notes, gay pornography, and other artifacts. He organized them and saved them in boxes he called his “time appeases” and never opened them again. These time capsules can be found today at his museum on Pittsburgh, Warhol was also obsessed with cats, and they can be found in much of his art work (Andy Warhol).

    On June 3rd, 1968, Whorl’s life almost came to an end. A “Factory” regular named Valerie Salinas, went to Whorl’s studio and shot him. The bullet passed through his left lung, spleen, stomach, liver, esophagi, and right lung. When he arrived to the hospital, the doctor pronounced him dead, but was almost immediately resuscitated. He went on to joke that he was invulnerable. In 1996, the story of his shooting was turned into a movie titled Shot Andy Warhol (Andy After his near assassination, Whorl’s work changed.

    He began focusing more on his paintings again and less on his films and books. He began doing portraits of the rich influential people of the ass’s such as Michael Jackson and Miscarriage. He also published a magazine titled Interview along with his own night club. In 1974 he moved The Factory from Union Square to 860 Broadway. Afterwards he wrote the book The Philosophy of Andy Warhol in 1975 (Andy Warhol Biography). In the sass, Warhol created two television shows, One was called “Andy Whorl’s TV’ in 1982. In 1986 he did the show “Andy Whorl’s Fifteen Minutes” for MAT.

    This was important because MAT was new at the time and many young adults watched this channel (Andy Warhol: Biography). Warhol had a gall bladder condition which unfortunately ended his life on February 22nd, 1987. He was at the hospital for a routine surgery for his gall bladder, but died from complications, Over 2000 people attended his memorial, Following his death, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City had a retrospect f his works In 1994, the Andy Warhol Museum was opened in his birthplace of Pittsburgh (Andy Warhol Biography).

    In conclusion, Andy Warhol was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. He turned his job of drawing and painting every day things into a highly profitable Venture. He Veil always be known for his portraits of the popular celebrities of the ass, ass, ass, ass, and of course the paintings of Campbell soup and Coca-Cola. He inspired many young artists during his time, and continues to inspire young artists today.

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    Andy Warhol: Biography Essay (794 words). (2018, May 21). Retrieved from

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