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    An Essay on My Career and Why I Want to Be a Nurse

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    The decision to choose a new career was extremely important to me. The function of a career is not just to provide a means to make a living; it should have a larger purpose. In addition to pursuing a meaningful career, a career should be satisfying, and make some significant contributions to other people’s lives.

    Therefore, I chose to become a nurse. It is important to have a career that is satisfying. and that would allow me to help others. I agree, but not everyone would, so why do you want this? I feel that I could see myself being a nurse, but it’s going to take a few struggling years in order to start enjoying success. I suppose if you believe in yourself, you can be anybody you would like to be even if it may seem impossible and even if it was just a dream. My dream is to be very successful in what I intend to do.

    There are many factors in my choosing to be a nursing major. First, I have been diligent in my pursuit of nursing as a career because I am convinced that nursing offers me the opportunity to live a fulfilling, rewarding life dedicated to helping others. How? Why? I will enter this major eager to learn and thirsting for the knowledge to help my fellow human beings.

    Second, in reference to becoming a registered nurse, I believe, I have developed those skills through several years of hard work in Health Care Center, doing that. I feel I have gained enough experience to pursue this field. I enjoy working with people, and I would love to heal the world one person at a time. Third, being raised in good family in Africa, visiting different countries, and now living in the United States, I have experienced the similarities and differences between many diverse cultural groups and geographical areas.

    This allowed me to relate to different types of people by understanding their behaviors and beliefs, a quality that will help me work well with other medical students and help me serve my patients better in the future. Lastly, maybe the medical environment in my family explain has influenced my decision; however, the main reason for my motives is that I want to help others and know that I have accomplished such an endeavor of going out of my way for someone else. I will have to work hard to contribute to the better health of others.

    Having experience as Certified Nurse’s Assistant gave me the opportunity to see what the strengths and weakness of my career choice are. One of my strengths is ability to deal with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients by promoting physical and emotional well being. It allowed them to feel that I truly care about their well being, and I believe that made a difference in their recoveries. When people have to be in the hospital or nursing home, they tend to feel very vulnerable and may sometimes feel ashamed or embarrassed.

    Some may not have any family or friends to visit them during their stay; this was the time for me to reassure and make them feel comfortable. My personal strengths are my punctuality, discipline, and my ability to stay focused among the distractions. Punctuality is very important to me. I make sure to never be late and most of the time I arrive early for my appointments and engagements. I feel punctuality gives employers the idea you are eager and ready to engage in work.

    True having discipline is the ability to gain control by obedience unclear is another one of my strong strengths. I am certain that because of my strengths, I am good at what I do; however, I do have weaknesses that I have to overcome and improve. My biggest weakness of this career choice is being a very sensitive person. I am afraid I just won’t be able to handle the death, and the heartbreaking stories I will hear as a nurse. How will you deal with this?

    Critical thinking is an element that everyone in all walks of life needs in order to communicate successfully and to understand vital concepts, make decisions, and solve problems. Critical thinking is most crucial and common thinking processes awkward phrase used in nursing. To achieve the goals of critical thinking in nursing, I will be required to develop critical reasoning skills through various ways like writing and speaking critically.

    Even reading in depth helps to understand others view points and it helps in inculcating better methods of treatment and new ways of improving existing methods of effective patient care. good Other things included in critical thinking for my workplace will be identifying and solving patient care problems, putting into operation surgery departments’ mission, directing and contributing to strategic planning, and creating an atmosphere that allows staff to make sound decisions by following their gut feelings. These sound like management skills. Critical thinking in nursing will be of paramount importance for me because after following a proper thought pattern effective patient treatment can be done. That, for sure, covers the true meaning of nursing and its challenges ahead.

    The reward of knowing that I made a difference in someone’s life is my goal. I feel the philosophies of my major are like my own. In this regard, the nursing baccalaureate pathway expects unclear wording to be committed to the role of maintaining health and preventing illness in self and others. I know that this is exactly what I am striving for and aware that I will enjoy this. Nursing is not just a respected profession; for me it is also my way to a successful future.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    An Essay on My Career and Why I Want to Be a Nurse. (2023, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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