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    An Argument in Favor of Should College Be Free by the Government

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    Everybody should go to college for free because most people want to go to school but can’t afford it. The government should pay for open public university, and the government should help young people get into college, and need to stop buying any tuition. Paying college for a free can work well in American because more people want to go to school for free and don’t have to worry about money.

    According to the John Andrew Article, “Should College Be Free” when a poor people can’t afford to pay up for college, they are having a good grade in high school, and want to have a better education have an excellent opportunity to do something big. I believe college should be free for everyone because people need a free education, Government should pay for public university and textbook, and free college should work well in American.

    The first reason, when someone got a good grade and work hard in high school but can’t afford for college. There are in The United States right now that cannot afford to go to college. People need a better education, and most people want to go to college for free. I know some citizens want to go to school because they are going there to better themselves as citizens of the United States. I think free college can help to stop A student don’t have to worry about exceeding him to their best ability without worrying about the price they must pay to get their education. I believe people should have an excellent opportunity to go to college for free and a better career.

    Also, need to increase the tax rates for American wealthiest millionaires and billionaires because can help the government to pay for free college. What I mean by this is federal, and state government should make a few reasonable changes. Discuss the cost of building college more affordable and can help low-class people to go to school. The government should help young people get into college because when a country needs hospitals, engineering, and teachers. I think the administration should decrease in another area: Military and NASA because can pay more in college. The government should consider increasing the population, but people want to go to school but can’t afford it. People want to do something big in life and state should help them to pay for college and help other area needs in the field.

    Also, free college in American can work well in more job opportunities and don’t have to pay for college. People don’t have to spend money in college because people can have paid for medical bill and electric bill. For example, a lower-income student will go to college in free price because of increase in the number of students in college. Everybody in American able to attend college any time if people want to go to college.

    In fact, it can help to increase the enrollment at the public school and might reach graduation rates. Free college should help job might rising in a different field in a study, more workforce, and more people would go to college in free price. College should be free for everyone because many people want to go to school to get a degree. A government needs to make college free and with free college can work well in American because more job is increasing. The government should think about free college and make another field better with low class. American need more job opportunities and help people to enrolled college. The society will get better in free college and earn a middle-class living.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    An Argument in Favor of Should College Be Free by the Government. (2022, Dec 20). Retrieved from

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