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    Why I Can’t Pay Attention in Class Essay

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    This semester, I am enrolled in a total of fourteen credit hours, those classes are Sociology, First Year Seminar, Physical Education, English and Psychology. To be honest I find all of these classes uninteresting but that might just be my ADD speaking. Recently, I have found out that I am incredibly lacking the determination to push myself to daily find a way to make my classes interesting and appealing to me. Instead of thinking about the subject matter that I am learning about I often just think about how much I hate school.

    This hatred for school gets me in a lot of trouble because it can often be misinterpreted as a lack of interest in the subject. Which in most cases is completely untrue, I usually really enjoy learning about the topic I just want to on my own terms. This constant battle I have going on in school causes many issues in my classroom participation and attention. My attention and interest is lacking the most in my English 101 class. My professor is a big fan of hearing himself talk, unfortunately.

    This leads to full hour and thirty minute rants in an English class about how ignorant the American Healthcare system is and how we should be more like the Canadian healthcare system. I personally find these lectures completely irrelevant to the intended subject that is teaching us how to write essays using proper grammar techniques and essay formatting. If I wanted to learn about the Canadian and American healthcare systems I would have taken a government course! This is the main reason I find my English course uninteresting.

    Now, I am not going to lie I defiantly do not help make it more interesting for myself. I often find myself in the class just staring at the clock wishing for this man to stop speaking so I could leave and continue my day. Also I find other outlets to plug my attention into, such as, work I have to do in other classes or even going on my phone and reading articles I want to learn about. If I were to just accept the fact that he is inevitably going to rant each day then I could work on finding something interesting about the topic he is stuck on.

    Even getting involved in the discussion would help keep my interest. I could also try and find a way to find humor in each of his lectures to help entertain myself. Another approach I could take would be to talk to my professor and work out a solution that allows me the ability to get up and walk out of the class for a minute to try and shake my boredom. I used this method in high school from time to time and it really helped me pass the time without going insane.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Why I Can’t Pay Attention in Class Essay. (2018, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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