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    What Is Astrology Essay (394 words)

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    By Lauren KaplanAstrology is the study of planetary influences and their affect on the world andeverything in it.

    Astrology is usually limited to human beings–their nature,and their affairs, although a chart can be drawn up for just about any event. The horoscope is a blue print or pattern of the solar system cast for aparticular moment of time. It is from this that the astrologer bases theinterpretation or delineation as indicated by the nature of the sun, moon, andplanets. The natal horoscope is a chart drawn at the moment of birth to see andunderstand the nature and makeup of the soul of the newborn as it takesresidence in the physical vehicle or body.

    The human soul is a focal point ofcosmic energy, and the pattern of the heavens, as charted in the horoscope, isthe means the soul comes to know itself and its destiny. Astrology points the way to soul development and growth. The soul’s strengthsand weaknesses are noted in the horoscope. Life is an opportunity given to soulfor further enhancement.

    Because the heavens are in constant motion, and because this motion is quiteordered and exact, it is possible to project the positions of the sun, moon, andplanets for any given time. Astrologers use this information to draw-up ahoroscope and forecast the “influences” that will affect the soul at that time. Astrologers usually do not predict actual events in the future. They can onlysay what might happen, or could happen, but not what will happen–much like aweather forecast; although many psychics do make predictions, and astrology isthe tool they use to focus their abilities. Another common feature of astrology is the comparison of birth charts toascertain the compatibility of two people.

    This is a straightforward method usedby over-laying one chart upon the other. The aspects or angles formed by theplanets are then analyzed to determine how the energy fields of each personblend together. Some couples form more harmonious bonds than others, lessharmonious bonds offer a greater challenge for peace and happiness. Over the years astrologers have developed numerous techniques for expandingtheir “art” to include a multitude of services that can only be evaluated uponthe merit and usefulness of that technique.

    Astrology can only offer so much; itis imperative that the individual soul strive to attain that which is rightfullytheirs in this short life, and to regard any advice with great care.Category: Science

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    What Is Astrology Essay (394 words). (2019, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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