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    Vincent Warhol v. Van Gogh Essay

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    Starry Night. Colors, and distinctive styles beaver also used in both Whorl’s and Van Sago’s art work, with Vibrant colors like in Whorl’s portrait pictures of iconic political figures like Marilyn Monroe, and Martian Luther King Jar. Van Gogh painted his artwork to be vibrant with unnatural colors just like his Sun Flowers painting with vibrant colors. Apart from the fact that they were similar, they also diverge to an extent, having two different styles in pop are and post impressionism.

    Warhol was very famous, but Van Gogh was obscure, and was to well-known at his time written why the Van Gogh Art Gallery, Van Gogh was born in Grotto-Sundered, Holland on March 30, 1853. He was raised in a highly religious family and lacked self-confidence depicted by the Biography channel as being raised in a Methodist family and with people disagreeing with his art and mental capability. Throughout life he remained relatively poor _ He suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy as well as numerous other mental and physical conditions explained by experts of The American Journal of Psychiatry.

    During is life time he gained little fame, in fact he only sold one painting (Red Vineyard at Arles) out of the nine hundred he painted. “He Struggled to make a living as an artist,” written by the Van Gogh Art Gallery. His most famous paintings today included, Starry Night, Sunflowers, Bedroom in Arles, and the Potato Eaters with millions of views by people across the world. Warhol, born in Pittsburgh 1982, was a well-known American artist and film maker at his time. Warhol was thought to have some mental conditions including Aspirer syndrome said by DRP.

    Judith Gould, director Of Eliot House, Britain’s leading diagnostic center for autism. Prior to his fame and success in his career, Warhol was not social and lacked some confidence as he contracted Chorea, a rare and fatal disease that left him bedridden for months described by the Biography Channel of Warhol. When Warhol became famous, he was known for sparking the pop art movement in the sass to a start. In the United States he was brought to focus to the commercial culture. He was a worldwide celebrity, influencing people in the highest of social ranks.

    Whorl’s most famous art included, Historical figures, such as Marylyn Monroe, labels as on the Campbell chicken noodle soup cans, and political events including the civil rights acts. Warhol and Vincent Van Gogh were both leaders to distinctive styles. Whorl’s art focuses around the spectrum of pop art. His art was based on modern pop culture and mass media as seen through Glamour magazines, pictures, and movies. Van Gogh on the other hand was a post-impressionist who reacted towards naturalism by exploring color, line, form, and the emotional response of the artist.

    As they were well known for being one of the first artists to truly embrace these their style, pop art and post impressionism, they are completely different. Warhol was inspired by popular icons during his lifetime. Van Gogh was inspired by nature and scenery around him. Van Sago’s artwork uses a profusion of colors, lines dots, and cross-hatching similar to pop artists, comparing to Andy Warhol in his pop artist work. Being one of the few artists to do so, Van Gogh used a technique Of “impasto” putting paint onto the canvas With a palette spreading it With thick brush strokes.

    Warhol mass printed his pictures in a unique way by using silk screening and side projections to make different versions and variations of color and form of multiple similar pictures. In final analysis, it is clear that the devout master artists had influenced their time periods, future styles, and motifs. Warhol, and Vincent Van Gogh were similar in art work but had distinctive stylistic techniques. Their ideas were purely unique and they had a different view of art itself. Warhol and Van Gogh were truly astonishing in their artwork because to their form, styles, and emotions.

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    Vincent Warhol v. Van Gogh Essay. (2018, May 26). Retrieved from

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