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    This I Believe: The Power of True Friendship

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    I believe in the power of true friendship and the lasting effect it has on others.

    As we get older, we are introduced to many different people. They are people who will lift you up when you are down, and listen when you need to explain yourself, as well as the types of people who bring out the best in you. It’s those people who are considered to be your true friends, the ones who care for your well being. Growing up I’ve always had many friends and amazing friendships. As time went on most of these friends grew distant and I began to see who my true friends really were. Raven Horton, my best friend of 7 years has shown me what true friendship should be like.

    It all started in 6th grade, Raven and I were in the same class and became friends. I did not think much of our friendship, just that we were in the same class and were in the same friend group. She was really sweet, kind and always put others first. We would talk to each other everyday after school and did the same clubs so we could spend more time together. At this time Raven was just one of my very good friends nothing more.

    A true friend is someone who is not scared to tell you that you need to fix your attitude or behavior because they want what is best for you and your health. The moment I knew that Raven was a true friend was when I was really sick to the point of being in the intensive care unit and she would text and call me everyday to check up on me. Not a day went by where she did not call or text. She came to visit me in the hospital with her mom, missing her brother’s basketball game, brought me gifts, caught me up with the gossip going around at school and kept me company for many hours.

    It was this kind gesture that helped me to see what true friendship really is. A “friend” of mine who I’ve known way longer than Raven because we live right across the street from each other did not even bother to call or check up on me. Raven, who I had only known for a couple months had made the initiative to always make me feel better. She also made me feel loved and cared for knowing that I had someone to always go to. Throughout the years of our friendship we have had many ups and downs but nothing has ever been big enough to ruin our friendship.

    Seven years later Raven and I are still best friends and I value true friendship very much. Raven and I are now in our final year of high school, our senior year and our friendship is still as strong as can be. She made me promise to her that no matter what comes our way after we graduate and start to move on with our lives that we will never drift apart and we will continue being friends no matter the circumstance because our friendship is priceless. She brings out the best in me and I know that I can always go to her with any of my problems knowing that she will be there for me. Today many people have become more and more hypocritical, but it is so reassuring to know that I’ll always have someone who is genuinely a true friend. I will always remember all of the kind things she has done for me.

    To me, one of the greatest gifts of life is always having someone who cares deeply about you and will always be there for you. My mom always reminds me that “true friendship always gives and never demands because it knows that it will receive when it’s required”, and I believe that very much. Raven has always been that true friend that I know I can always go to no matter what. She has also made me believe in the power of true friendship and the effect it has on others and has inspired me to also go the extra mile to be the best friend I could possibly be.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    This I Believe: The Power of True Friendship. (2021, Apr 15). Retrieved from

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