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    The Role Robots Will Play in the Future

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    The role of robots is increasing in each and every aspect of our life these days. In the 2nd half of the last year, San Francisco [source 1 below] got its 1st fully automated robotic restaurant, These days, the role of robot has not only been limited to our industries but it is also shifting base to other sectors as well. The day is not far when anything that does not require human intelligence would be done by robots, However, this also prompts us to ask whether the direction in which we are going is good enough. Robotic surgeries do not seem like a farfetched idea anymore as they have been under practice for some time now [source 2 below.

    The surgeries have been conducted right now under the supervision of normal human doctors but due to the positive results that doctors have been getting from the surgeries, the day is not far when they would be entirely conducted with the help of robots. If you look into any of the heavy industries currently whether it is the automobile industry or whether it is the manufacturing industry, you would see robotic arms instead of normal human workers doing most of the work, This is because robots are fully efficient and also they do not incur any recurring expenses. In the future, it is pretty obvious that the role of robots would be to even interact With humans and may be at a certain point of time: they would be able to replace humans in the lower functions of society as well. This might be a dangerous thought for some but if robots are controlled and not exploited, it would certainly be a step forward.

    However, there are certain dangers of using robots in each and every thing which can prove disastrous and that is why, proper trials are always needed before making robots mainstream. Human interaction with robots might be somewhat risky as well, as robots do not understand human emotions and neither do they understand the spontaneous reactions by humans and that is why the introduction of robots in society should be limited. While the introduction of robots as normal citizens in society might seem like a good idea at present but given the limitations of artificial intelligence the time Is far from when robots would outpace humans in the workforce as well as in normal society.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Role Robots Will Play in the Future. (2023, Mar 18). Retrieved from

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