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    The Influence of Drugs and Music Essay

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    The music of the sass greatly reflected the people and behaviors of the decade. It affected everything from the clothes they wore to the drugs they used. Under the influence of drugs. Everything appeared to be a double entendre with a deep hidden meaning. (Surreally 183) The drugs made the music come alive. You not only heard the music, you could see it and feel it as well. With psychedelic music of bands like the Grateful Dead it was no surprise that people were usually stoned when they listened to the music. If you weren’t under the influence of some kind of rug, (100) the musical experience was different.

    Things stayed the same. Where if you were on drugs the music came alive, all around you was an amazing blur or music and color. (Nadine)The drugs of the sixties included the psychedelic LSI and acid as well as the relaxing marijuana. The use of the LSI resulted in good and bad side effects, such as nightmarish cycles of mania and depression or paranoia (Surreally 189)Acid was a lot like LSI. It also had good and bad Trips. Marijuana on the other hand was very different. Instead of tripping, you become extremely enthused and happy. (200) that is followed by a feeling of extreme relaxation.

    Surreally 183) The beatniks and the hippies understood. The blue collar political type people did not. The drugs and the music went hand in hand. If The Influence of Drugs and Music in the sass’s By semitransparent understand it, categorized and labeled those that did. (500) The music of the sass not only influenced that time period but evidence of its existence is still present in music today. Although the drugs and the music have changed, one will always go with the other. As long as people are still listening to music, and looking for an escape, the two are inseparable.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Influence of Drugs and Music Essay. (2017, Nov 26). Retrieved from

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