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    The Important Job of Becoming and Why I Want to Be a Nurse and the Time and Effort Needed

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    Becoming a nurse takes time, effort, and a lot of responsibility; each outcome is not only a learning experience but also a humble one. I have set a time frame to Accomplish this goal in five to six years. Nursing has a very expansive meaning, from nursing sick animals, privately, in hospital, elderly, and so much more. I would love to have a nursing career because I love to help people. I’ve come to love nursing with short time into knowing this career. Becoming a nurse has always been a goal of mine and I am determined and I have a plan in place to achieve this goal.

    Before I begin my journey on becoming a nurse first I have to research the field I want to be in. It is so easy to find information now a days, so now I could just get on the computer and research the topics I want to know about. Since I am not exactly sure what type of nurse I plan to be I have to put tremendous mind and thought into it before this year ends. I also need to research the hours, pay, and job availability there is to becoming a nurse. To my benefit, it would also be great to talk to other nurses that have majored in this for a while. Now that I am out of high school in order to major in nursing I need to find nursing programs around my area that will be helpful for me.

    After I have finished all my research and gain more knowledge I would go and visit Greenville Technical College and speak both to a councilor and advisor. I would like to get an opinion on my major from somebody else. For instance, with a councilor I could speak about my personal issues as to why i want to do what i’m going to do with an advisor, I could speak about certain classes he or she thinks would be good in my behalf. I could also get help registering for required classes I need to take for my major.

    Once I begin classes and have finished my basics, in about two years ill be a full on nursing student pursuing my career. Shadowing a nurse or becoming an intern would also help me gain knowledge during my experience; that is one thing I really want to do while I am a college student. I would like to shadow or intern at a big hospital; and have full on action into the nursing world. When I get the chance to do so I hope that I can gain as much information as possible to be the amazing nurse I know I can be.

    I plan to have a good GPA and graduate with superb grades. Having said that nothing lower than a B. All of this should be finished by five to six years. Once I have officially finished my college years I want to move back to New York and start my life over there. Three of the hospitals i would love to work at are Queens Hospital Center, Elmhurst Hospital, and Flushing Hospital Medical Center. Working at one of those three hospitals would be great because it is where i want to move within five or six years from now. I am only seventeen and if everything happens the way i set it up to be i will be twenty-three or twenty-four and having my life on track. Today’s nurses are usually positive and adapt to anything that comes in way which is exactly how i plan to be in the future. I will be quite, relaxed, cool, and level headed under extreme pressures.

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    The Important Job of Becoming and Why I Want to Be a Nurse and the Time and Effort Needed. (2023, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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