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    The Importance of Trust, Communication and Honesty in a Strong Relationship

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    Many relationships around the world struggle with being in an unhealthy relationship, due to the lack of trust, communication and honesty. When couples are in an unhealthy relationship they are not happy with one another, they become very stress and miserable to the point that love no longer exist between them. While on the other hand, couples that live a healthy relationship are more happy with each other, have a strong bond, less stress and even better communication, as well as, a great security by knowing they can trust their significant other.

    As we all know honesty is not just a behavior it is a way of life. This makes honesty the principle key element in a healthy relationship. Couples that live this kind of healthy life are always very supportive to each other in many ways they can be, by respecting each others personal decisions, cheering for one another in special events. As well as, expressing how proud they are of each other. Honesty also brings great comfort into the relation, this is very important as it allows couples to talk openly about anything, joke around and even listen to each other when they have serious talks. as stated by Nick Bastion, “without comfort, you can’t have trust. After all, how can trust grow if the two people aren’t comfortable telling each other anything and everything that’s on their mind?”

    Trust sets people free, without it a relationship will not survive or even last. For instance, when couples have trust in the relationship, it allows them to feel safe and secure about each other, leaving no room for fear and insecurity to come in. by allowing trust to grow more in the relationship, you are giving your significant other the opportunity to have more freedom in becoming the person he/she wants to be. As well as, giving yourself the chance to operate better as an individual. As Stephen Covey said, “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication.”

    A good communication is an essential part of a healthy relationship. it helps couples express their true feelings, avoid anger, confusion and even hurt. When couples build a great way to communicate, it makes life a lot easier for them, especially when one of them is a great listener, by listening to your partner you encourage him to speak more honestly and freely about how they truly feel. for this reason, by communicating the right way and freely, it helps to build mutual respect in the healthy relationship.

    “When you respect your partner, you understand that she is a unique individual and not a reflection of you. He is not an object you own. You learn how to respect the other’s needs and to mesh your own needs with theirs, so that both of you can work towards what you want to achieve. You don’t control, manipulate or try to change her into what you want her to be.”- Corinne Rodrigues. After all, how can we show respect if there is no love.

    “The truest form of love is how you behave towards someone, not how you feel about them.”-Steve Hall. Love may not solve a problem, but it does gives you the patience to make things work. It allows couples to forgive more easily and understand and accept that our personalities are different from one another. Sometimes love is blind, because when you love deeply you believe your significant other even when they are not telling the truth. “Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”- Courtney Carver.

    Finally, a healthy relationship is important in life in order to live happy with your significant other, As it gives you the opportunity to grow as a person and build a great bond with your mate. As well as, a great communication between each other. Having a healthy relationship also creates mutual respect and love for one another and a better understanding. Without these wonderful things in a relationship is not even worth being in one.

    Works Cited

    • 22, 2014
    • 02, 2017
    • Courtney Carver/Be More with Less-Simple Marriage and The Importance of Love/September 20, 2014
    • Eric James-Serving Joy – Inspire Through Sharing/Trust is a must-Why Trust is Important in a Relationship/April 17, 2015
    • Nick Bastion, These 7 Feelings Are Key To Any Successful Relationship/October 10, 2017

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Importance of Trust, Communication and Honesty in a Strong Relationship. (2022, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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