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    The Definition of Integrity as a State of Wholeness-Completeness and Honesty

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    Integrity refers to an individual state of trustworthiness, incorruptibility, and completeness to the degree that the individual is incapable of forfeiting a trust, pledge, responsibility or agreement. Continued integrity graduates to a concept called probity. Integrity is as well a function of the accuracy of delivering to aforesaid actions. Kaptein (2014) argues that integrity works in opposition of hypocrisy.

    Ethically, judging using integrity standards revolves around internal consistency as a component and virtue of soundness, completeness, and incorruptibility. Integrity from the Latin derivation means wholeness and attracts qualities from such as honesty and truthfulness. Judging the integrity of two conflicting parties may involve alteration of beliefs and accounting on the discrepancy to fully understand the impact of integrity on the different values. This paper seeks to define integrity as a state of wholeness-completeness and honesty.

    Internal consistency framework of principles alienates individual actions driven by integrity and those which are not. Kaptein (2014) explains that the basic principles should there to logical postulates. In ethics, integrity is described as having actions, beliefs, methods, measures norms that derive values from a single core group of given values. The flexibility of the individual and willingness to adjust in an attempt to maintain consistency in case these values are challenged portrays ethical integrity (captain, 2014).

    For instance, a test result that achieves significantly different congruence with the observed outcomes in a project. Kaptein (2014) points out that flexibility to such issues is a form of accountability and moral responsibility to record the real results rather than what the observed outcomes require. Ethics requires an individual to act according to rules that they would wish to see universally. However, ethical integrity should not be confused with good.

    The moral principles that people deem correct and hold dear are often wrong. This is because the skewness of one’s principles may result in acceptable crimes. The philosophical law defines integrity in respect to the principles of the articulation and interpretation that best explains and justifies a past legal issue of practice. The philosophical law assumes derives conclusions from the right answer thesis concept (Werner, Jensen & Zaffron, 2010). The right thesis concept believes that there is a right answer that a judge must discover in a situation where people’s rights are controversial. Werner, Jensen & Zaffron, (2010) argue that constructive interpretation of the wholeness or integrity of people implicates moral judgments in most of the aspects of the law.

    Lastly, there are other concepts of integrity in diverse fields. In marketing the integrity of a brand is a desirable outcome for a firm seeking consistency in the industry (Kaptein, 2014). Brand integrity involves messaging consistency and visual graphics to maintain visual integrity. Werner, Jensen & Zaffron, (2010) present a new model of integrity that provides access to increased performance for individuals in any institution or state of individuality.

    Kaptein (2014) explores integrity as a three dimension component to principled living. The model explores the relationship between the multifacet-perspectives of integrity that integrate compliance to rules, morality attitudes, and social expectations. Electronic models of integrity define t as a state of the incorruptibility of data between a single domain and another. this concept appreciates the value of uncorrupted information and information assurance.

    In conclusion, integrity applies to most of our daily activities incognito. The ability to discern right from wrong and upholding principle morals that influence the surrounding is key to achieving integrity. Integrity relates to perfection in that systems or individuals that are not damaged by external forces and operate from intrinsic core values, tend to operate better and faster.


    • Kaptein, M. (2014). “The Servant of the People: On the Power of Integrity in Politics and Government”. Social Science Research Network. SSRN 2498730.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Definition of Integrity as a State of Wholeness-Completeness and Honesty. (2022, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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