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    Silence in Business Communication Essay

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    Basically, Managerial communication consists of collecting precious information from both inside and outside of the companies and it also includes distributing appropriate information to others concerned with it. Generally, Mangers job it is obvious that managerial communication is vital for each management function known to business. Managers perform the planning function; they collect information, analyze data, prepare memos, reports, and letters and then conduct meetings with other managers to discuss the plan.

    When managers work, they share their views to generalize a vision of what the organization can be and it also motivate employees to support achieve an entire organizational goal. On the other hand, when managers organize, they collect and analyze data and information about the state of the organization and communicate a organizational structure to others. By mean, managerial communication is the primary and fundamental parts of any organization. Communication is the exchange of information between two or more people or persons. Information includes facts, ideas, data, opinions, emotions etc.

    Basically, Communication is an intercourse by words, letters, symbols, messages, and communication is a way that the person shares meaning and understanding with another persons. In general terms, Communication is the process of conveying messages (facts, ideas, attitudes or opinions) by one person to another so that they can understand. Communication is a two way process. The communication does not make any sense unless it is decoded by the receiver. Managerial communication is generally separated into two forms i. e. Verbal and Non-Verbal. By meaning, Verbal communication is divided into written and oral communication.

    The oral communication refers to the spoken words in the communication process. Oral communication can either be face-to-face communication or a conversation over the phone or on the Internet. Spoken conversations or dialogues are influenced by voice modulation, pitch, volume and even the speed and clarity of speaking. The other type of verbal communication is written communication. Written communication can be either via mail, or email. Primark is much conscious about the communication system and it is maintain the communication balance since many years.

    Non Verbal Communications basically focus on the symbol, body languages and the unexpressed words. The senior managers and supervisors generally use such kind of communication techniques to direct their subordinates. This kind of communication includes the overall body language of the person who is speaking, which will include the body 1 posture, the hand gestures, and overall body movements. The facial expressions also play a major role while communication since the expressions on a person’s face says a lot about their mood.

    On the other hand gestures like a handshake, a smile or a hug can independently convey emotions. Non verbal communication is in the form of pictorial representations, signboards, or even photographs, sketches and paintings. Non Verbal Communication system is complicated and somehow difficult to transform. Sometimes it is hard to understand what the customer actually wants. Talking about Primark, The HR team is more conscious as it provides the detail training to its member of staffs regarding the various methods of communication. “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it” Jeanne Segal, Phd.

    The silence however, is the most precious ornaments represents the efficiency and effectiveness of being a good manager. Silence contributes in the success of managerial communication. Silence plays a critical role in managerial communication. Silence has been identified as the presenting managerial efficiency in understanding the effectiveness of individualistic as well as team work. If managers are going to engage in cooperative activities they must use symbols, body languages to communicate each other or be able to monitor each other.

    When managers are working in different branches and locations and they are interacting primarily by telephone or computer, most traditional forms of monitoring and control is not reliable. So, silence sometimes is not being effective. Silence is the part of NonVerbal Communication. Silence makes the real conversation in an organization between coworkers, subordinates and the superiors. Silence is by mean not the saying but it’s a communication never needing to say is what counts. Managerial communication is the origin point of successful entrepreneurial relationships, both professionally as well as managerially.

    Good managers communicate with much more than words. Exactly, managers are taken as somehow effective when they prefer symbols and the task rather to speak. Researches also show that the Nonverbal communication is much more efficient rather than the Verbal Communication. Nonverbal communication, in other words can be said “Silence Communication” includes facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, the tone of our voice and even the postures. The capability to use and recognize nonverbal communication is considered as a most powerful tool will help managers to connect with other corporate houses i. e. competitors and followers, express what they actually mean. “Silence is the genius of fools and one of the virtues of the wise”- Pope Boniface VIII Silence as a Non Verbal Communication leads to navigate challenging situations, and creates and maintain better relationships at work. Nonverbal communication; mostly silence, or body language, is an important form of managerial communication. Managers continuously give and receive countless and wordless signals to its concerned parties.

    All of nonverbal behaviours i. e. way of sitting, the gestures we make, fluency in speaking, sharpness in presentation, and way of standing, eye contact is somehow giving the means of communication. The silence itself is presenting the form of communication. The way we listen, react, move, and communicate the people whether we care or not and of course how well we’re listening. The nonverbal silences we send either creates a sense of interest of people, desire for connection, and trust, or they produce confusion, distrust and disinterest.

    Silence is a speedily producing back-and-forth process. Successful silent communication basically depends upon emotional self-awareness and recognition of the cues we’re sending, along with the capability to how accurately they pick up on the cues people are delivering us. Exactly this form of communication needs our full concentration and attention. If we are thinking that what we are going to share and express next, planning about somehow different, daydreaming; we are definitely about to miss nonverbal cues and details in the conversation as well.

    Thus, we need to keep focused on the time-to-time experience in order to fully prepare to recognize what was happened, what’s going on and what will happen next. “Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. ”- James Madison The patterns of the managerial communication have been changed. Literate managers now use silence as a weapon against the anger.

    Most of the organizations and its manager believes that silence is more expressive than words. Silence can be both the positive or negative influence in the managerial communication process. Silence can create a bridge between sever relationships or messages. Silence can produce trouble, tensions, conflicts and uneasiness or can also create a calm situation. Silence 3 can however also be judicial by indicating likeliness or unlikeness, agreement or disagreement. Silence in managerial communication plays a vital role that it leads to decrease the conflict and to minimize the disputes between two parties.

    Basically, the disputes create in an organization because of people by nature want to win every time. One most loss to produce a fair outcome, if both of their voices go louder then it definitely creates troubles. Silence represents the respect to the superiors and to the subordinates as well. However, in conversation between co-workers and subordinates, it is believed that both parties will equally contribute to the conversation, and of course, there will no conspicuous silences. If there are any, it causes conflict, discomfort and the wrong interpretation of messages.

    People believes that silence lacks the information flow but they are fail to analyze that silence plays a great role in organizational development in terms of developing communication. Silence is not just lacking of sound. Silence itself is a statement which conveys meaning in communication. Silence can be taken for agreement and contract. Silence can mean something quite different in another context. As a manager we can discover various examples in which silence is an agreement, but we can also find various examples where silence represents anger, disputes, an attempt at self-control, suspicious, disputes, fears of other emotions.

    Silence communicates something different but it needs a proper analysis and the essential observation. In an organization, Silence totally relies on the individual perception and behaviour. It cannot be predict the individual observation meet with other individual. In the text of communication, single expression can sometimes give a positive result and at the same time it is creating a negative perception throughout the people. Suppose a manager finds some of his subordinates are taking a rest. If he thinks that those staffs are by nature lazy, their behaviour conveys him a message to him that they are goofing off.

    Obviously, his perception may convey like that way. He may leads to give them additional assignments. If he believes his staffs are self-motivated and deserves a good skill and work with honestly, sincerely, the idleness of them conveys to him that they are taking a break to overcome their stress. If the manager is personally insecure, their idleness says to him that they are threatening his power and the authority. 4 Silence has power. Silence deserves the motivation and the silence creates peace in management. In a negotiation or in a bargaining, silence acts as a critical element.

    The presenter is playing a gamble; where he is walking away with an offer and the other party should modify, accept or decline the offer or choose to keep stay silent. Silence represents the exact conversation between peoples. Silence is not the form of saying but never needing to say is what deserves. Silence is a great strength of any business organization leads to balance the level of peace in official environment. Silence as a communication develops the skill of people how they react, speak, listen and perform their skills in an organization. Silence speaks more than the words expressed by people.

    Thus silence is taking a most precious place in managerial communication to obtain the organizational goal. 5 Bibliography Jeanne Segal, Ph. D. , Melinda Smith, M. A- Non Verbal Communication Skills- The Power of Non Verbal Communication and Body Language. Sep. 2009 Vargas, M. F. (1986). Nonverbal communication – an introduction. In M. F. Vargas (Ed. ), Louder than words (pp. 9-17): Iowa State University Press. Vangelisti, A. L. , & Young, S. L. (2000). When words hurt: The effects of perceived intentionality on interpersonal relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 17(3), 393-424.

    Ter Bush, R. (2006). Silence, attribution accuracy and virtual environments: Implications for developers and facilitators. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Key, M. R. (1980). The relationship of verbal and nonverbal communication. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. Non Verbal Communication- Exploring Non Verbal Communication [Online][Available on: http://nonverbal. ucsc. edu/ [Accessed At: 13 Aug, 2010] Managerial CommunicationThe Most important Tools [Online] Available on: http://www. manager-tools. com/2006/01/managerial-communications [Accessed At: 10 Aug, 2010] 6 7

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