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    The Duties and Responsibilities of Being and Why I Want to Be a Nurse

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    To be a nurse means more than being a caregiver; it means being selfless, compassionate and committed to serving patients and their families with top-notch care. Nursing is also a passion and requires a deep desire to care for others both physically and emotionally. My decision to be a nurse stems from this deep desire to care for others. I enjoy helping people and doing what I can to enhance the lives of those around me. I’ve always wanted to be a nurse ever since I was a little girl.Nursing is a lifetime career. It is not just a job. It is a state of being. Nursing is one of the most respected occupations. Nurses have the trust and respect of their clients and others. They are loved and appreciated by all.

    Nursing is comprised of many duties and responsibilities. I have always stood up for what I believe in and as a nurse I can for my patients what they may not be able to do for themselves. I am their advocate, protector, caretaker and so much more. I believe that nursing is a profession that patients’ respect and look to as a very important person in their care. I chose a career in nursing because I wanted to encompass this role and be able to give my patients some comfort while they are in a concerning situation. I believe it is extremely difficult to obtain someone’s trust, especially in a short period of time, and that is what nurses are asked to do day in and day out.

    Not only are nurses expected to comfort patients, but also do a number of tasks that include medication administration, procedures and much more. My labor and delivery nurse (L&D) nurse held my hand, comforted me and stayed with me long after her shift had ended. Even when the next shift’s nurse arrived, my nurse stayed. She had a real concern to see me through and to see the safe delivery of my baby. I wondered how she could care this much about me- someone she had never met.

    Didn’t she want to get home to her own family? Whatever compelled her to stay with me, I wasn’t quite sure, but she stayed. Her quiet presence in the room was a source of comfort and strength Nursing requires superb time management skills, which is the most challenging part of nursing; you have so many things to do in so little time. Nursing is a very important profession that makes a large impact on the patient’s hospital experience, and this is why I wanted to become a nurse.

    One of the most satisfying aspects of a nurse is being able to care for patients at a time when they are in need My intent on becoming a nurse began in my childhood as I admired the professionalism, dress code, etiquette and integrity which are part of the nursing career. The desire to help those who are in need is very important to me It is about striving for equal, fair, and compassionate care for all humanity. Care that does not discriminate by age, color, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation. Everyone deserves the same level of attention and care. I want to get the most out of my education so I can provide the highest quality care for my patients. It wasn’t until 2007, when I gave birth to my daughter, that my passion for nursing.

    I was young when I had my daughter and I was very scared. The nurses at the hospital helped me get through that experience and made me feel very special. From that moment on, I realized how important being a nurse was to me; because I love making people feel comfortable and safe just knowing that someone cares. I just don’t want to be a nurse who does my job and that’s it. I want to make a change and have some type of impact on peoples’ lives.

    I want my patients’ to leave the hospital knowing that I love being a nurse and that my ultimate goal is making sure that they are well taken care of. I also want to be a leader and a patient advocate when necessary, which will make me a better nurse in the long run. Having once been a patient, together with my admiration for nurses’ hard work and dedication, I became passionate about nursing. Through good work ethics, knowledge, devotion and my background in research, there is so much I can offer to the nursing profession. Nursing is in my thoughts daily.

    Even when I take breaks during the day, they never really are breaks because I find myself on Google searching Nurse Residency programs, Master’s programs, hospitals where I could potentially see myself practicing. or sometimes reading unreliable nursing blogs. I believe in the value of nurses, I believe I will one day be a nurse just like those I now admire, and I thank this scholarship for also believing in my potential as a future nurse. I have always been interested in the health field.

    Originally, I thought I would want to become a doctor, but as I learned the differences between what makes a doctor and what makes a nurse, I realized that a nurse is who I am meant to be. Becoming a nurse is what I’ve anxiously been waiting to finally achieve Through my experiences, I have learned to never give up nor let anyone or anything get in the way of what you are truly passionate about.

    In order to be a successful nurse you need to have a lot of dedication and compassion. I think those are two very important characteristics to have in order to deal with the difficulties of this profession. It also involves caring for the welfare of others with true compassion and concern while also striving to help people regain their strength and wellness. When people are sick or going through hard times, a simple kind word, smile or hug makes a huge positive difference. Anyone can be a nurse, but it takes a special kind of person to be a good one and it begins with love and a passion to help others. I would like to make a positive impact while taking care of people as it provides a joy that I simply can’t describe.

    This provided me with inspiration, and I began to envision myself in the role of a nurse. Nurses can make a profound impression on their patients and it is my hope to be able to make impression to my patients when I become a nurse. As a nurse I will treat my patients with respect and also provide an environment in which they feel comfortable and important.

    I am determined to make a change in my life by pursuing a career that has always been my dream. I want to help others and give back to my community as a nurse. Obtaining a BS in nursing is a critical step towards making my dreams a reality. I plan to further my education and get a Masters in Nursing, so that I may serve as a Nurse Practitioner to low income families. While doctors treat the disease, nurses care for the individual as a whole, and that is what attracted me to the profession.

    Life is a precious gift, and by becoming a nurse not only can I contribute to improving the health and safety of a patient, but I can also help make their stay in the hospital a comfortable one. As a nurse I will have to be careful, kind, patient, alert, and a critical thinker just to name a few; but I am ready for these tasks and more. I am being prepared to be the nurse that will have a positive impact in the life of every patient that I encounter while providing optimum care. I also anticipate the impact that others will be able to have in my life.

    Seeing the strength and optimism of a very ill patient, hearing the stories of people’s lives, witnessing the ill become well, and knowing that I made a difference even if it is merely putting a smile on someone’s face will make my journey worthwhile. Nursing gives me the opportunity to provide families with excellent and compassionate care- the kind of care that some of my family members have received and the kind of care that I would like for them to continue to receive if necessary.

    In my view, nursing is not just a profession that is practiced at the work place but rather everywhere: in the home, within communities of diverse culture, public areas and anywhere there is life. It is a profession that is practiced to save lives on one hand and to teach prevention methods on the otherl believe that there is no greater feeling than being among a team of other nurses and hospital workers with a common interest and goal of giving hope to the young and elderly who entrust us with their lives. I also understand that nursing is a dynamic field and one that requires continually keeping up with the latest medications, procedures and medical technology.

    I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to pursue a career that will combine my desire to help others with a lifetime of learning. I cannot wait to start my career and dedicate my life to nursing. I am positive that I can make a difference in the lives of others. My ultimate goal is to obtain my Master of Science in Nursing where I can then become an educator in a teaching-based hospital or nursing school. Nursing is being the best person you know how to be every time you introduce yourself to a patient.

    Nursing is loving each moment, even when you don’t, because it’s all a part of the bigger picture of patient care and just…simply…caring. Nursing is beautiful. I am extremely passionate about helping others in a health-related environment, and I can imagine nothing more fulfilling than waking up every morning knowing that my I look forward to a career in nursing, not only as a job, but as an opportunity to make a difference by serving and providing care, comfort, value, and dignity to the many patients I will encounter. career is my passion.

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    The Duties and Responsibilities of Being and Why I Want to Be a Nurse. (2023, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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