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    The Brokeback Mountain in Our Hearts Essay

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    What does that mean? That means in each person’s heart there is a best time of life, or several wonderful partners who build the most beautiful and priceless things in your mind, which is your Brokeback Mountain. I want to talk about the priceless thing in my heart, a group of singers, who gave me a regretless youth because they made my puberty more meaningful. However they broke up in 2010. The impact of the moment when my idols broke up can be seen in three different lesson.

    This incident is significant because the broke up taught me how to accept and calm down when I face facts, made me believe that nothing can last forever, and let me become a more independent person. When the band broke up, I learn to calm down and accept the fact that hurt me. Sometimes people regard forbearing as a sign of a person becoming mature. In my puberty, those crazy years, I like all teenagers, fought ourselves for our idols everywhere. We fought on internet, fought in concert. For example, we fought with the police in Shanghai Expo when 2010. Then we were taken to the police station and waited for our parents to pick us up.

    After my idols broke up, I went to work for an airline. Every day I sat at the counter in airport and faced many complaints and arguments from passengers. During my work, my favorite idol group disintegrates. Even now, my idols are still not allowed to attend any TV program, and they also cannot appear on the box. My “rye” was burned down; I have to learn how to forbear the fact, and how to accept the situation of my idols and me. Thus, I learn to calm down when I face many unfair facts in this society. In addition, I felt a powerful force in our life, which made us get where we are today, called “fate”.

    My favorite band broke up made me start to believe that all good things may come to an end; thus, I have to be strong. I once wrote a sentence in my journal when I was a child, “There is no fate in this world; everything in our life can be changed as long as you try hard. ” But now I changed my mind. My idols’ break up was the most helpless feeling I have ever felt in my life. I realized that no feast in the world can last forever. Unfortunately, if you knew the truth of life, there are only two kinds of people you will become. For instance, in the story “Tuesday with Morrie. Mitch threw away his dreams and traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck. He worked for money, and he became a workaholic. He felt fear when he really understood the natural fate of all people after his uncle died. He saw his uncle suffer, night after night. He feared he would become his uncle if he couldn’t squeeze in every last piece of happiness. He told himself there’s no time to waste then lost himself and became an unhappy workaholic. However, I think if the time is limited for everyone and all beautiful things in this world, why we waste time on the things really depressed us?

    Maybe you will become a person like me who quit a job which is really unfit to me. Instead, I try to achieve what I’ve always wanted to try, come to America. As a result, I became more independent than before because I have the courage. After I came to America, I did everything by myself. I rented house, cooked food, and enrolled in college by myself. I usually think about my old friends and my old idols. They are the bunch of people who came to my life and gave me a wonderful experience, but finally I realized there is no party without ending. How much happiness we had in our lives, then how much sadness we will get after the joy.

    As I said, I believe in fate. If came to America, I think whether I have my idols or not I’ll do my best to succeed. But I would never have the courage to become an international student, and go abroad alone if I hadn’t my idols. Now that I have lived life independently. I feel I have grown up. One day I received a postcard that had my idols printed on it from my old friend, and that day was their tenth anniversary. Most of my old friends worked in different cities and on different things. When I saw the postcard I suddenly felt sad because I realized that you cannot always stay in your Brokeback Mountain.

    You have to walk down the hill by yourself. Like me and my friends, we used to be on the same mountain, but now, we already walked down the hill. Back to the real world, back to the society, like Ennis and Jack did in the film. Now you know what the most priceless thing in my heart is. Most importantly, this incident totally changed my life and refreshed my believes. The people who taught me how to accept and forbear, made me grow up and made me more independent. They are the mountain that I have to go down, but the memories and emotions of that time will stay in my heart forever.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Brokeback Mountain in Our Hearts Essay. (2018, Jul 26). Retrieved from

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