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    Signing – A Very Good Habit Essay

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    I am the go-to-girl for lyrics and I always know the unknown hit-in-the-making. Why am I such a music consieur? I am constantly singing along to any new song I hear. I really enjoy singing but I am not Mariah Carey. Music has a great impact on my life. It sparks my creativity, helps me relax and lightens any dull moment in my day I may encounter. This is an activity that I enjoy doing but I am definitely not an expert. Singing isn’t a static activity. It is full of emotion and imagery. I definitely agree with the idea of calling singers– artists.

    It takes a lot to create the right message, laced delicately with the correct lyrics. But it takes the right person to make a song, the song it is. It says a lot about a singer who has inspired something inspired by them. Just recently, a New Zealand songstress, Kimbra, had an art show dedicated to her. Kimbra is extremely expressive and passionate. She leaves an everlasting impression on many people. I feel inspired by singers. As I sing along to their songs I can feel what they are saying. I start to see so many things I can create. I have created paintings from the song, ‘This is Love’.

    I can see the painting simply by listening to a song. I revamped my room just by listening to the song, ‘New Soul’. I also can create new dances by listening to songs for the first time. This comes in handy for my coaching job. I can feel the rhythm and soul of the song. As I listen to music and sing along it challenges me to think outside the box and create something never seen before. Singing helps spark my creativity. Its nice to come home and unwind to some music. I love listening to music in my car after a long day at work. I will play different types of music depending on what happened during my shift.

    I may have to ‘Shake it Off’ and embrace my inner Taylor Swift, occasionally if I surpass my work expectation I’ll embrace my inner Sasha Fierce. I have to listen to music, it is a must. Music is always playing around me. As cliché as it sounds, music helps me get back to me. Singing along to songs helps me clear my mind. I forget everything. I can listen to certain songs that relate to what I’m going through and get through it. I can listen to catchy but honest songs and laugh about anything that happen throughout the day I wasn’t fond of. Singing releases stresses of the day Singing is a ‘bad’ good habit I have.

    I can’t sing like a pop star, but it helps me be who I am. As mentioned earlier, I do not sing like Mariah Carey, or the new pop queen Ariana Grande. Now I’m not one to belt out a song and hit the high notes, but I will occasionally rap. I honestly don’t know how I can catch on to the lightning fast lyrics but I do. I find it challenging and I love a challenge. I cannot rap like Eminem but I can catch on to Nicki Minaj. Just listening to me attempt to sing is quite a scene. My favorite thing to do is sing randomly when someone I know is not having a spectacular day. I start singing along to a song loud enough for myself to her.

    When they are super quiet I get louder and louder and then I start to dance in front of them. My goal is to make them laugh at the scene I am creating. I cannot stand it when someone is quiet and not them self. I have to enlighten any dull moment I encounter. Singing helps me stay creative. It challenges me to think out of the box and create something new. I am inspired by many songs. Listening to music and singing along to songs helps me unwind and get myself back on track. I have accepted the fact that I can’t sing but I am accepting of what I receive from this habit of mine.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Signing – A Very Good Habit Essay. (2018, Aug 15). Retrieved from

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