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    Researching upon designing a computer game’s cover Essay

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    Using my research I found that my computer game could be packaged in a variety of different ways. After looking at my packaging designs I narrowed it down into two different designs, which were the box design and the DVD case design. I had to choose which one I was going to use for my product so I looked at there properties and found that the box design could be easily flat packed and was very cheap to make but the DVD case was not able to be flat packed and its material (Plastic) was not environmentally friendly.

    The materials I researched were paper, cardboard, corrugated card and Plastic. I immediately ruled out the paper because it was too thin and so I concentrated on the other three. I was thinking of using corrugated card but found it would be too difficult to flat pack and could ruin its overall shape when bent. So I was left with the cardboard and plastic. These were the two main materials I had to choose out of so I looked at their properties. Cardboard has an excellent printing surface and is also recyclable although it has a low strength ratio. The plastic on the other hand is very cheap, light, strong and is easy to mould into complex shapes although it isn’t environmentally friendly and has disposal problems. If we can recycle this plastic then it could weaken its chemical structure.

    The questionnaire was designed to see what the consumers visual response was towards a game cover (Whether it was its colour, style or even shape). Most people preferred bold colours which stood out a lot more. Others preferred bright colours such as “The Sims” cover, which was a lot more appealing and a lot more attractive. The creativity of the lettering and their pictures also gave an impact on whether or not it would hold the viewers eyes.

    I looked at a variety of different logos (Abstract, Pictorial, Written and Symbolic) in my research and found that the written logo was the most common and that it could also show the name of the company and act like a corporate identity. I think that if I create a logo with a simple design and something that isn’t too complex I will be able to save money when printing and replicating. If I was sending letters to a mass amount of people then I would be able to print my logo on it without using a lot of ink. I found that an effective logo would consist of contrasting colours, boldness, creativity and the style of lettering.

    Whilst researching my colours I looked at what the colours meant and what it may represent. I need something that gives an impact needed to attract and hold the interest of the viewer. I know that a PC game cover will need to be very attractive because it will be on a shelf with other games and if I want my game to be picked up and recognised then I will need to design a cover with a good contrast of colours and a lot of creativity.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Researching upon designing a computer game’s cover Essay. (2017, Sep 21). Retrieved from

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