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    Design a suitable logo for the business or organisation of your choice Essay

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    I have been asked by a Turkish football company called Galatasaray to design and produce a logo for their website www. galatasaray. co. uk. I must produce the company logo graphic to meet ‘Galatasaray’ design brief: image must use Colour  image must incorporate text and graphics  image must be no larger than 3 inches square.

    The company is interested in seeing my skills so I should make sure I demonstrate that I can use:  drawing tools (e. g. line, shape, text, brush, Colour, spray) attribute tools (e. g. fill, line thickness) manipulation tools (e. g. move, size, copy, paste, flip or mirror, rotate, zoom) I will be making the bitmap logo in Paint. I will show my steps in screen shots and explain how I made my bitmap logo in Paint. What Is a Bitmap Image?

    A bitmap is a collection of pixels (dots) that describes an image, in human terms, a complete picture. A bitmap can be of various bit depth and resolution. Basically, a bitmap is an array of pixels. E. G What is a pixel? A pixel is the most basic component of any computer graphic. Pixel stands for picture element. It corresponds to the smallest thing that can be drawn on a computer screen.

    In the Width and Height sections I changed the settings by clicking on the box and typing in a value no bigger than 3 inches. In the Units section the units can be changed the, to Inches, Cm or Pixels  In the ‘Colors’ section the Colours may be changed to ‘Black and White’ or ‘Colors’ When I was happy with the size of the work area I started to draw and create my Bitmap logo. How I created my Bitmap logo Step 1: I edited the background colour and choose black as shown. I made the background of the logo black to contrast the logo’s colours to make the logo stand out.

    Step 2: I clicked the brush Icon and then I started to draw my logo, I clicked the magnifier icon to enlarge the image I was drawing in order to make precise amendments as shown below. Step 3: By clicking the text box icon on the toolbar, I inserted a textbox on top of the logo I had drew, I used the text ‘Galatasaray’ to show the name of the company the logo is representing.  I changed the font size to 28. I did this to make the text stand out more. I couldn’t make the font size any bigger because otherwise it wouldn’t fit in the textbox.  I changed the font to Script Mt Bold to make the text more stylish and look more eye-catching.

    Step 4: I made the background of the textbox red, because it is one of the logo’s colours, and also to avoid the text disappearing in the background colour, due to the text and background being black I clicked the ‘Fill with colour’ icon , and then I selected the colour red from the colour toolbar at the bottom of ‘Paint’, And then I finally clicked the area I would like to fill with colour which was the textbox. Step 5: I then I filed in the letters of the text ‘Galatasaray’ with the colour red so it would go with the red background of the textbox.

    I enlarged the image as shown below to precisely fill in the letters, because if the shape that is wanted to be filled in has any breaks in its border, the fill color spreads to the rest of the drawing area. This is how my outcome looked so far I clicked the ‘Select’ Icon and cut around the logo to adjust its place. Step 6: I added a yellow border around my logo to make it stand out more due to it being the main feature of my logo. To add a border I clicked the ‘Rectangle’ icon and then I positioned it outside the logo.

    I made the border’s colour yellow by clicking on it from the colour toolbar as shown below. This is how my logo looked like after the border being added, Step 7: I lastly added my final touch which was the ‘Air Brush’ to repeat the logo’s colours in a light and airy fashion to lighten up the plain black background. To spray on to my logo I clicked the ‘Air Brush’ icon and sprayed two reds and two yellow’s diagonally as shown below, Evaluation: I have accomplished my task which was to create a Bitmap Image in ‘Paint’ for the Turkish football team Galatasaray.

    My main colour scheme for my Logo was yellow and red because these are the traditional colours for the Galatasaray football team. By doing this coursework I have learnt what a Bitmap Image is. I have also learnt how to create images in ‘Paint’ by using the tools in ‘Paint’. I would have improved my logo by rotating the Galatasaray Text and placing opposite underneath the Yellow box with the Yellow and Red Logo. Steps on how to rotate: I have overall obtained very useful knowledge in Graphics/Bitmap, and I have learnt very useful skills in ‘Paint’.

    They will be very helpful to me in this aspect of work in the future. Tools that I have used to create my bitmap image: Text: I used the text to show the name of the company the logo is representing.  Fill With Colour: This tool fills in the background with the chosen colour. I made the background of the logo black to contrast the logo’s colours to make the logo stand out. I made the background of the textbox red, because it is one of the logo’s colours, and also to avoid the text disappearing in the background colour, due to the text and background being black.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Design a suitable logo for the business or organisation of your choice Essay. (2017, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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