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    Renaissance Artists and Their Famous Contributions Essay

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    Denotable was a Renaissance artist born in Florence, Italy. He was famous for his artwork in bas relief, a type of shadow relief sculpture.

    • Mark
    • Eocene I The Feast of Hero
    • David I
    • Equestrian Monument of Guatemala
    • Judith and Holiness I

    Poetical was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance. He hailed from Florence, Italy.

    • Fortitude
    • Adoration of the Magi
    • The Birth of Venus I
    • Primeval
    • Costello Annunciation
    • Augustine I
    • Venus and Mars
    • Mystical Nativity
    • Temptation of Christ I

    Dad Vinci was someone who was skilled and knowledgeable in many, many subjects, including science, mathematics, music, and most importantly, art. He was the epitome off Renaissance man if there never was one.

    • The Last Supper
    • Mona Lisa
    • Vitiation Man I
    • The Baptism of Christ
    • Annunciation
    • Lady with an Ermine I
    • Genera De’ Bench
    • Adoration of the Magi

    Jerome in the Wilderness Also known as Michelangelo, he was an Italian Renaissance artist. He is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, alongside Leonardo dad Vinci.

    • Sistine Chapel ceiling
    • Creation of Adam
    • The Last Judgment Tendon
    • The Torment of Saint Anthony
    • The Conversion of Saul I PietyГ¤
    • Bacchus I I
    • Don’t

    David Better known as Just Raphael, an Italian architect and painter of the High Renaissance. He was best known for the perfection and grace in his artwork. Raphael was considered a master, among Leonardo dad Vinci, and Michelangelo..

    • School of Athens
    • The Transfiguration
    • The Marriage of the Virgin I Resurrection of Christ
    • Self-portrait
    • La belle SardiniaГ©reel
    • Ezekiel Vision
    • The Sistine Madonna
    • Madonna and Child

    adept with landscape paintings, portraits, and mystical subjects.

    • Rape of Europe
    • Sacred and Profane Love
    • Pastoral Concert I of the Virgin
    • Christ Carrying the Cross
    • The Flaying of Martyrs I Prudence
    • The Worship of Venus
    • Self-portrait
    • Assumptio

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Renaissance Artists and Their Famous Contributions Essay. (2017, Oct 09). Retrieved from

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