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    Reaction Paper to The Philadelphia Story Essay

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    I first off did not care for this film. I know I should be more open minded when it comes to classical films that are in black and white but I Just did not get interested into this selection. The film tried to have some intentional artifice with the whole movie focusing on Tracy. She Just was not a very nice person. The whole plot was centered on her. She had tried to confuse the photographer’s minds since she had figured out of why they wanted to write a story about her wedding.

    I think another yep of narration was that the movie was circular pattern. The film stared out showing Tracy in a fight with Dexter at their home. By the end of the film the two ended up getting married at the house. The film also had some Hollywood styles. One style was classical Hollywood style that is character orientated. The camera always seemed to have close ups as the characters talked. I noticed that the camera also would have both characters In the shot while they were talking in dialogue.

    I did not notice that the film did any subjective camera shots. The director did seem to use the close and long shots the most often out of any type of camera shots. Almost every new sequence of scenes It was a long shot to set the setting. I don’t know if this was part of the Hollywood style but the director tried to do a transition from the Spy magazine on the ground to fade into the Spy Company Building. The film was Just the normal straight cut between scenes for almost all the transitions.

    The director did give a hint that Tracy and Dexter might get back together with the boat. Dexter gave It to Tracy as a gift and from that point on It was mentioned a lot. I will try to give classical films another chance In this class. I Just hope we have more films that we as a class would enjoy more. I do not feel I am the only one that feels this way since after the film I heard a lot of class mates saying they didn’t understand It or Like It well.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Reaction Paper to The Philadelphia Story Essay. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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