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    Procrastination Is Not as Bad as It Seems Essay

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    ProProcrastination is the act or habits of putting things off till the end out of laziness. Almost every student knows this dreaded word.

    They know if it becomes a habit, disaster happens with a sharp decline in school grades. But what they don’t realize is that procrastinating can actually benefit you in school. It can make you work harder, faster, and more efficiently on school assignments. Even life skills in the real world can be created from procrastinating.

    Procrastination can actually help you work harder, faster, and more efficiently. It sounds like an impossible thing, however if you’re like me or any other person that wants a fairly good mark on the next assignment, procrastinating can help you. While your friends are working hard on it, go play, and do the things you like but still allow enough time to complete the assignment. When time comes to do it, it should be cramming time to get it done to the best of your ability.

    It actually helps you, because it gives that need of drive to actually still maintain a good mark on it. Efficiency comes in when you have your daily homework piled on to your assignment, the need to get the assignment done kicks in. You will feel less of a need to do other things that you normally do, and cut down on the breaks, including the old rest up and watch TV, one. Also, essential life skills in the real world become developed through procrastinating. In the busy world of work, everyone knows that that boss of yours will always set impossible deadlines.

    The knowing of having to get it done perfectly and fast is always on the employer’s mind. When already experienced through procrastinating, you will already know the field of trying to cram a lot of work into a very little time frame. Procrastination can honestly boast you to higher levels of achievement. It makes you nervous and deadlines will be hanging from your head. It helps set a planning stage for you, and makes you aware of all the other tasks that is needed to be completed.

    The management of time will also be used. Time managing of what to do first and last including dividing the assignment into steps, or knowing what to do to get the best result within a smaller amount of time is very handy in the feature. This habit is not so dreaded at all. I feel that procrastinating isn’t all that bad, and actually benefits you. Like I said, it gives the best result in little time.

    With that little time, a lot of other subcategories start getting developed, including efficiency, working harder or faster, etc. Though procrastinating isn’t the best option to use when trying to complete a homework assignment. I have to admit; starting early is the best way to get a good mark on an assignment in school. But I strongly disagree to anyone, procrastinating is a bad thing. It creates a lot of useful skills for the near future, and should be used ever so often.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Procrastination Is Not as Bad as It Seems Essay. (2019, Mar 12). Retrieved from

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