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    Procrastination Narrative Essay

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    Procrastination is more than just a negative custom that needs to be weeded out of society; it has become a clich a small-talk joke, brag, or complaint. After all, we all do it. Most everybody I know is willing to admit it is an exasperating problem in their life, and would benefit from a course in How to Eliminate Procrastination, but say they have to much to catch-up on, and will take it later.

    One of the biggest reasons why assignments get a bad mark or are incomplete is because of procrastination. Procrastination has a bad effect on work, and on you.

    When you procrastinate you don’t learn how to discipline yourself, the quality of work suffers, and you get stressed out.

    One of the biggest reasons why procrastination is bad is because the quality of work suffers. Sometimes an assignment needs to be proof read first. If you procrastinate you will be more inclined to skip this important step. Another big problem is that you run out of ideas. At one sitting ideas don’t come as freely as they do over several days.

    People who leave assignments to the last minute are more likely to resort to cheating. When an assignment is left to the last minute, you worry more and cheating and cutting curners happens a lot more. Procrastination also affects the quality of work because your assignments looks hurried and just thrown together.

    Another danger that comes with procrastination is an increase in stress. When an assignment is left to the last minute, it lingers in the back of your mind the whole time. Once the day arrives that you must do it, any other plans must be put on hold.

    You end up being frustrated and upset with yourself, and the teacher. If several assignments are due at the same time the stress increases even more. Not only do you have to rush to get everything done, you have to worry about whether you’ll get it finished in time. Stress also increases when you procrastinate because you start to doubt yourself. When you make up your mind that you won’t leave the next assignment until the last minute, and you end up doing it, you get frustrated and upset with yourself.

    There are many underlying issues and causes of procrastination.

    Lack of relevance and interest is two of the most common causes. While perfectionism having extremely high standards, which are almost unreachable is another problem all together. Evaluation, anxiety, ambiguity, fear of failure and self-doubt, fear of success, inability to handle the task, lack of information needed to complete the task, environmental conditions, physical conditions, moreover, and anxiety over expectations that others have of you, are all very serious causes of procrastination.

    Poor time management is a great cause of procrastination. Procrastination means not managing time wisely. One may be uncertain of one’s priorities, goals, and objectives.

    Procrastinators may also be overwhelmed with the task. As a result, they keep putting off the assignments for a later date, or spending a great deal of time with your friends or worrying about upcoming examination, class project and additional papers rather than completing them. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Procrastination Narrative Essay. (2019, Apr 07). Retrieved from

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