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    The Real Reasons you Procrastinate Essay

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    Procrastination is a universal everyday phenomenon that can seem little more than click, a small-talk joke or boast or complaint; we all do it, after all. Yet a newly reported survey of students at a large urban university in the U. S. is probably typical in that a majority (52%) of the students claimed a high or moderate need for assistance with regard to procrastination which is more than any other area of concern. There are a great many causes to the addiction to this thing called procrastination.

    There are many underlying issues and causes of procrastination. Lack of relevance and interest are two of the most common causes. While perfectionism (having extremely high standards which are almost unreachable) is another. Evaluation anxiety, ambiguity, fear of failure and self-doubt, fear of success, inability to handle the task, lack of information needed to complete the task, environmental conditions, physical conditions, and anxiety over expectations that others have of you, are all very serious causes of procrastination.

    Poor time management is a great cause of procrastination. Procrastination means not managing time wisely. You may be uncertain of you priorities, goals and objectives. You may also be overwhelmed with the task.

    As a result, you keep putting off your academic assignments for a later date, or spending a great deal of time with your friends and social activities, or worrying about you upcoming examination, class project and papers rather than completing them. There are quite a few people that have difficulty concentrating. When you sit at your desk you find yourself daydreaming, staring into space, looking atpictures of your boyfriend/girlfriend, etc., instead of doing the task.

    Your environment is distracting and noisy. You keep running back and forth for equipment such as pencils, erasers, dictionary,etc. Your desk is cluttered and unorganized and sometimes you sit or lay on your bed to study or do your assignments. You probably notice that all of the examples that youjust read promote time wasting and frustration.

    Our behavioral patterns are another cause of procrastination. Getting started on an unpleasant of difficult task may seem impossible. Procrastination is likened to the physics concept of inertia – a mass at rest tends to stay at rest. Greater forces are required to start change than to sustain change. Another way of viewing it is that avoiding tasks reinforces procrastination which make it harder to get things going. A person may be stuck, too, not by the lack of desire, but by not knowing what to do.

    Procrastinating is a great problem amongst the student bodies of schools today as well as the work force of the U. S. In this paper I have discussed the very serious many causes of procrastination.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Real Reasons you Procrastinate Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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